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(Ed note: Emphasis added)
21 November 2001
Reactions to FG proposals
Damian McHugh: "..a step in the right direction" (Irish
Times, 31 Oct) (Mr McHugh is the author of a new book "Libel law:
A Journalist's Handbook", Four Courts Press).
John Waters: "FG offering .. is so far most balanced"
Times, 29 Oct).
Carol Coulter: "UK
press council 'raised standards'" (Irish Times,
26 Oct). (See counter argument from Stephenson
& Bromley)
Carol Coulter: "Minister promises fast move on libel bill"
Times, 26 Oct).
Michael Foley: ".. proposals leave much to be desired"
(Irish Times, 25 Oct)
Mark Hennessy: "Mixed response to FG's libel plan" (Irish
Times, 24 Oct).
21 November 2001
Some reading:
Stephenson & Bromley (Ed): "A
main conclusion to be drawn from this book is that, while many of the necessary
processes and procedures for ensuring press 'answerability' exist,
few operate successfully, and for little of the time."
(Sex, Lies and Democracy - The press and the
public, Addison Wesley Longman ltd 1998) (See counter argument
from Lord Wakeham, chairman of UK PCC in Carol
Coulter's report)
Curran & Seaton: "..the media
are not, save only in self-serving myth, a disinterested Fourth
Estate whose sole allegiance is to the truth and the public interest.
In reality, people need to be protected from their self-apointed media
(p 367, Power without Responsibility
- The press and broadcasting in Britain, Routledge, 5th ed, 1997)
21 November 2001