THE IRISH HORSE BOARDis a co-operative society with 7,500 members and a board of 13 directors. Of the 13 directors, 10 represent five electoral regions and 3 are appointed by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry.The objectives of the board are to promote the Irish Sport Horse, to maintain The Irish Sport Horse Studbook, to operate schemes to improve quality & to promote Equestrian Tourism & Equestrian Education. Agriculture House(6E), Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Telephone: 01-607 2816. Int: +353-1-607 2816. Fax: 01-662 0763. Int: +353-1-662 0763. Latest News This site is no longer being updated as of 10 Febuary 2000 e-mail us at ihb@ihb.ie |