CND symbol

 Irish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Feachtas um Dhí-armáil Eithneach

CND symbol

Links to other peace organisations


Irish organisations :

Chernobyl Children's Project International: This grew out of the work of Irish CND but is now a separate organisation.

Pax Christi: International Catholic peace movement.

Action from Ireland (AFrI): "Working for justice, peace and human rights".

Campaign against the EU Constitution: For Social Justice and Democracy in Europe. Irish CND is affiliated.

Peace and Neutrality Alliance (PANA). Irish CND is affiliated.

NGO Peace Alliance. Irish CND is affiliated.

National Platform, 24 Crawford Ave., Dublin 9. Tel. (01) 830 5792. Opposed to attempts to move the European Union in a federalist direction.

People's Movement: "Campaigns against any measures that further develop the EU into a federal super-state and works to defend and enhance popular sovereignty, democracy and social justice in Ireland."

Irish Anti-War Movement : formed when the war in Iraq was pending.

Anti-War Ireland, formed as a result of disagreements in the Irish Anti-War Movement.

Justice Not Terror Coalition: Belfast. Tel. 0773-781 9569. e-mail

Amnesty International Irish Section: Campaigns include one on arms control and Irish arms exports.

Irish Medical Campaign for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Carrig Lodge, Point Rd, Crosshaven, Co. Cork. Tel. (021) 831716.

Irish Network for Nonviolent Action Training and Education (INNATE)

Pit Stop Ploughshares: Campaigns against use of Shannon Airport by US forces.

Refueling Peace: Aims to monitor and stop US military refuelling in Ireland.

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom -Ireland, c/o G. Frankel, Ballinacloona Cottage, Ballyneal, Carick-on-Suir, Co. Tipperary. Tel. (051) 647061. e-mail

Centre for the Study of Peace, Saor-Ollscoil na hÉireann.

Co-operation Ireland: Works to create a "people's peace" in Ireland.

International Conflict Research (INCORE): An international center of excellence for peace and conflict related activity.

Glencree Centre for Reconciliation

Irish Peace Institute, University of Limerick: The IPI is concerned with peace within the island of Ireland.

Meath Peace Group

Peace and Reconciliation Group, Derry/Londonderry.

The Peace People: The Peace People began in 1976 in response to the ongoing violence in Northern Ireland. It promotes a culture of peace and nonviolence in Ireland and throughout the world.

Women Together for Peace, 62 Lisburn Rd, Belfast BT9. Tel. 028-9031 5100. Fax 028-90314864.


Outside Ireland:

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND): Irish CND has a special relationship.

International Peace Bureau (IPB): IPB is the oldest and the most comprehensive of the international peace federations - covering issues ranging from nuclear weapons and small arms to conflict resolution and peace education. Irish CND is affiliated.

The British American Security Information Council (BASIC) is an independent research organization that analyzes government policies and promotes public awareness of defense, disarmament, military strategy and nuclear policies in order to foster informed debate.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists publishes articles on "a spectrum of national and international security issues, with a special focus on nuclear issues".

Global Anti-Nuclear Alliance

Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space: "Since its 1992 founding the GN has met each year in order to bring together key activists who are working on, or are interested in, space issues. It was the intention of the founders to create an organization that would serve as a clearinghouse for space issues and act as a spark to ignite education and organizing in order to build an international citizens movement."

Greenpeace International "struggles for a green and peaceful planet".

The American Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy provides information on various subjects.

The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation works for "a world at peace, free of the threat of war and free of weapons of mass destruction".

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute "conducts research on questions of conflict and cooperation of importance for international peace and security, with the aim of contributing to an understanding of the conditions for peaceful solutions of international conflicts and for a stable peace."

Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research: This web-site has information on various aspects of peace.

"Founded in 1915 to protest the war then raging in Europe, the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom aims to bring together women of different political and philosophical conviction, united in their determination to study and make known and help abolish the political, social, economic and psychological causes of war and to work for a constructive peace."


Links to organisations outside Ireland which deal only with specific aspects of nuclear disarmament will be found on our pages dealing with those aspects. To find these links, go

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