Abolition 2000: This international campaign was established to get serious disarmament talks under way, and by the year 2000 had achieved the signatures of over 2000 organisations and many more individuals. In Ireland, Irish CND collected signatures representing 263,000 citizens. This is the campaign's web-site . This is the text of the international appeal for which signatures were collected. Abolition 2000 UK is a grouping for organisations committed to the campaign in the United Kingdom, and Abolition 2000 Europe is a grouping for Europe.
Mayors for Peace: The Mayors for Peace organisation was established by the Mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to free the world of nuclear weapons. The cities of Dublin and Cork have signed up along with 1576 other cities.
Trident Ploughshares: This campaign is directed against the British nuclear deterrent which takes the form of Trident missiles on submarines, and particularly against the British submarine base at Faslane in Scotland, where a continuous blockade is being organised in 2006/07.
New Agenda Coalition: This coalition in which the Irish government joined other states in seeking a breakthough in nuclear disarmament talks, is backed by a non-governmental coalition, the Middle Powers Initiative.
Model Nuclear Weapons Convention: A draft convention to eliminate nuclear weapons has been produced by the Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy and placed on the agenda of the United Nations by the Costa Rican government.
Conference on Disarmament: This conference under the auspices of the United Nations deals with both conventional and nuclear disarmament. Information about it is provided by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
Treaties for nuclear disarmament: This page details the various treaties which have led to partial restrictions on nuclear weapons.
Further information: The Acronym Institute conducts research and publishes information on negotiations and verification of arms control, disarmament and related treaties and agreements.