Brewster Kaleidoscopic Screensaver

Pattern Banks to Download

Right now this page contains just the three pattern banks which were distributed with V2.0b of Brewster. If you have V2.0a, grab the bank Extra-2 which contains ten more patterns. If you have V1.1x, you need to upgrade before you can load or save patterns.

I'll update it later for V3.0 - anyway the only extra patterns so far for V3.0 are included with the distributed version.


Bank Name Description Author
  Standard 20 patterns that form the default pattern set in Versions 1-2 G.Quinn
   Extra-1 10 varied patterns G.Quinn
  Extra-2 10 varied patternsG.Quinn

Have you produced any patterns you would like to share with other Brewster users? Why not send me an email containing a bank of your best patterns for posting on this page! If you want, I will add a hyperlink to your email address or web site - nothing adult or controversial though!

Remember, quality is more important than quality - five good patterns are better by themselves than mixed with a lot of dodgy ones. It is assumed by default that selected patterns may be added to compilations and/or distributed with the shareware version of Brewster - if this is not okay please say so. (Your name and optional hyperlink will be credited on any such distribution.)

It would be helpful if you gave an indication of the PC system you are using - it may be useful at some stage to separate patterns suitable for very powerful machines from those suitable for average ones.

There is no payment for patterns banks, and my decision as to what to post here is final. I won't be applying any strict artistic criteria for posting them, however - one of the main reasons for this page is to create a supply of patterns that are not to my taste, and so will add even more variety to the designs you can create with Brewster.


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Email:   Gerry Quinn  

This page was last altered on:  August 22, 1998