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Tony Gregory R.I.P.


It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of Tony Gregory TD on Friday 2nd January 2009,  following a long illness. 

A good friend to Belvedere Football Club down through the years, Tony was a leading advocate for fairness and justice in Ireland and abroad, and he will be sadly missed by all in the North Inner City. 

He was fearless in the fight against the scourge of the drug dealers in the Inner City.

Tony assisted Belvedere in many ways, and was a regular supporter of the club's fund raising activities.

He also recently lent his support and lobbied on behalf of Belvedere and other clubs in the area to have the promised new dressing rooms and all weather facilities built in Fairview Park, following the completion of the Port Tunnel.

Our sympathies go to his family, friends and relations on their sad  loss.

May he rest in peace. 
