It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of John Griffith of the FAI on Tuesday morning 29th April 2008.
Over the years John had been a great friend to Belvedere Football Club in many ways. He would have been a regular in Fairview Park when his son Paul played for the club.
John always walked around the pitch when the match was on and said it was because his back was sore from playing golf and standing still for so long was uncomfortable.
from the number of people he would meet on his “rounds” and stop to talk
football to, I think the sore back was just an excuse for meeting football
F.C. would like to offer our deepest sympathy to Paul and the rest of the
family, who also lost their mother Emer a few years ago.
contribution to football in Ireland, particularly Junior Football, will never be
forgotten. He spent so many years as a legislator and officer of various leagues
e.g. L.F.A. , U.C.L. etc.
John Griffith … Officer and Gentlman.
May He Rest in Peace.
Martin Cooke