Ann Moran Deceased
Members of Belvedere Football Club were saddened to learn of the recent death of Ann Moran.
Ann had a long association with the Club going back many years.
Most of her sons played for Belvedere, and indeed John, her eldest, also managed
Belvo teams. Anto, her second oldest, designed this website.
In her own right Ann contributed to the development of Belvedere Football Club.
She was Club Treasurer during the 1980's and a more meticulous, conscientious
Treasurer you would never meet.
Apart from her work with Belvedere Football Club she was also a very prominent person in the local Youth Club in East Wall.
For a number of years she successfully fought against an illness with bravery and good humour but unfortunately it overcame her in the end.
To her husband Joe, sons John, Anto, Thomas, Joseph, Robert and daughter
Ann-Marie we offer our sincere sympathy.
May she rest in peace.