A Long Day's Night

Philip Brennan reports on Ireland's Second Rogaine

Ireland's second Rogaine, organised by Dublin based Setanta Orienteers, was held in South Wicklow on the weekend of 17/18 July 1999. Buoyed by the enthusiasm of the competitors last year it was decided to extend the open category course to the full 24 hour period with the non-competitive class to 14 hours. Mass start for the 24 hour course was 12 noon with a later start of 6 pm for the 14 hour people.

Weather at the hash house, situated at the bottom of a sheltered valley, was pretty foul with strong winds and very heavy bouts of rain, so out on the open mountain competitors got a particularly rough time. However the majority of teams elected to stay out for the duration of the event, bivouacing in sheltered areas or hiding in forestry workers' huts, with only small numbers coming back for refreshment and some sleep.

The open 24 hour course was won by veteran rogainers Mike & Jeff Powell Davies, who visited 29 of the total 54 control sites and covered 83.6 km with total climb of 3250m.. Runners up Damien Cashin & Liam Quinn managed to visit 30 controls, but scored considerably lower than the winners.

Compliments to Planner Dave Weston, who cleverly placed controls in various groupings with challenging route choices between each group. The old adage about a few extra minutes spent planning saving hours out in the field rang true in this instance.

Rogaining looks to bee a permanent feature on Ireland's orienteering calendar and Rogaine 2000 will (barring Armageddon) take place on 1st & 2nd July. Details from Philip Brennan, 69 Moyville, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16. Email: philip.brennan@relay.ie