Free League points for Organisers, Planners and Controllers (OPCs) of Leinster League events!

OPCs get the points! (50 points) but... Name of Organiser, Planner, and Controller MUST appear in the official event results.


It is EXPECTED that the OPC will have actually done the work!


One award ONLY of free points will be made to any individual within a league series.

These measures are effective from 1 Jan 2000. OPCs of previous league events this season (6 events in total) may claim their points through their clubs. Clubs should send consolidated applications to Martin Flynn. (Thanks for all the hard work, Martin.)

(You're welcome Gus - Martin)


Format for Leinster Leagues 2000-2001 and 2001-2002.

Leinster Council have agreed on the following four(4) options.

1. Status Quo. Colour Coded League consisting of a mix of standard events and alternative foot events.

2. Previous format. Colour Coded League of standard events only.

3. Two leagues running simultaneously - one a colour coded league of standard events, the other a league of alternative foot events.

4. Two leagues running simultaneously - one a league of Grade 1 events (competition classes based on age groupings), the other a league of alternative foot events.

Clubs may vote for the format of their choice with one vote per club. The following clubs are entitled to vote: AJAX, CNOC, DUO, FIN, GEN, SET, UCDO, 3ROC.

A modified proportional representation (PR) system will be used. i.e. Clubs vote 1, 2, 3, 4 for the option of their choice.

Voting deadline: 28 Feb 2000. Club votes may be sent to LOC Technical Officer or posted directly to the orienteering newsgroup. Final results will be posted to the newsgroup at any rate.

If a club does not exercise its franchise a member of that club who is also a member of the LOC will vote for the club in lieu. (Note that all Leinster clubs are entitled to a member on the Leinster committee. Contact LOC secretary Vera Murtagh if a club wants to make a nomination).

And PLEASE send event results to the print media on the Sunday evening of the event by phone or email... This channel is effective, keeps orienteering in the public eye, and is FREE!

Aonghus OCléirigh,

Leinster Technical Officer.