So you (think you) know your rules .... ?

The Rules of Orienteering apply to officials and competitors alike. How well do you think you know them? Try yourself out on these ...

1 On what date does one's age class change each year?

2 What classes must not have IOF symbols for control descriptions at Grade 1 events?

3 Is smoking prohibited or permitted in the competition area?

4 Is it compulsory to carry a whistle?

5 Are women allowed to run in men's classes?

6 What are crossing points indicated as on master maps or pre-marked maps?

7 What part of the body must cross the finish line for a time to be recorded?

8 What age classes can run in night events?

9 What size and colour must the code numbers be at a control?

10 What colour tape is used to mark dangerous areas?

11 How long should a "Short" course be in relation to the corresponding "Long" course?

12 For what events has the IOA got financial responsibility?

13 How near the control flag must the punch be?

14 What size should the start triangle be on the map?

15 With what regulations shall all controllers be conversant?

16 What deposit must accompany a protest?

17 How soon before you start should you get your pre-marked map?

18 How accurately must a finisher's time be recorded?

19 What size should a control circle be on the map?

20 How many O-clubs can you be a member of at the same time?

21 What colour should be used to overprint courses?

22 Which official has the power to refuse an entry or place a competitor on a lower course?

23 How long after a competition can you lodge a protest?

24 Should control descriptions be on the front or the back of a pre-marked map?

25 Can you run under an assumed name?

26 What gauge plastic bag must be used for premarked maps?

27 How is course length measured?

28 How is climb on a course measured?

29 Should a control be sited to be visible from all directions of approach?

30 From how far away should a control marker be visible?

31 What should be the composition of a race jury for a non-championship event?

32 What is the recommended maximum % climb on a course?

Answers are somewhere in the Results section.

Score 32: You were either involved in drafting the rules or you're an obsessive insomniac who'll read anything and remember the most trivial details, or both!

Score 25+: Congratulations - if you're not already a controller, you should be one!

Score 15-24: You probably read the rules one time. Dust them off and read them again.

Score less than 15: You probably didn't know there were Rules of Orienteering. Your club has a few copies. Borrow them and read them!