A poorly attended Annual General Meeting of the IOA took the residents of Lemybrien, Co. Waterford by surprise on April 17th, not because it was poorly attended, but because it was there at all. Even the pub which was to host the event was taken by surprise and found itself without the expected sandwiches, soup etc.

Munster orienteers predominated and this may have affected the outcome of an important vote on a Constitutional amendment where an affair which has been simmering for several years finally burst. But more of that anon .

The usual business of any AGM went off smoothly enough: officers' reports, accounts, minutes and so on. Several Constitutional amendments had been notified, mostly arising from the IOA's sensible desire to have all club members recognised as members of the Association as a whole.

The IOA will have to be reorganised, though: the Secretary's report lists an executive committee of 17, and that's without representatives from Connacht - that's bigger than some clubs!

Outgoing Chairman Bernard Creedon thanked the committee for its work, particularly Secretary Ken Griffin, Coaching Officer Frank Ryan and Treasurer Noel Donagh. We heard of falling numbers participating in Munster, while in Leinster average numbers at League events were down to about 100. Connacht is struggling, with few people prepared to put in the time. Frank Ryan felt that they need to get the schools and colleges involved.

There was no FIOA meeting held during the year, but the passport issue for Irish teams at IOF events had been resolved. Contacts between IOA, FIOA and NIOA need to improve, though. There is no Irish Team Coach at present though Aonghus O'Cléirigh has volunteered but has to be ratified by FIOA.

The following Officers were elected unopposed: Chairman Andrew O'Mullane (GEN), Treasurer Noel Donagh (MNAV), Mapping Bernard Creedon (CorkO), Fixtures Trina Cleary (3ROC), Juniors Ted Lucey (BOC), PRO Andrew Butterfield (GEN), Development Brendan Cryan (3ROC). In an election for Technical Officer, Frank Cunnane (CorkO) defeated Sean Cotter (BOC). Ted Lucey subsequently resigned from the executive over another matter so the post of Juniors Officer is vacant too. Brendan Cryan defeated Mick Kellett in an election for AFAS representative. The FIOA representatives are Andrew O'Mullane (as Chairman), Frank Ryan and Frank Cunnane. There were no takers for Secretary, Environmental Officer or International Officer.

On to the Constitutional amendments:
Essentially the amendments make members of clubs into members of the IOA, while those who participate in orienteering but are not club members will become associate members. This is necessary for another go at a national database (remember the IOA Devvelopment Conference around 1984?). Another allows the IOA to set "appropriate" event levies. A third prohibits any form of doping. All these amendments were carried.

The controversy arose over a CorkO proposal which came from an ongoing dispute with Bishopstown OC over map ownership, fixtures clashes, non-payment of levies and related matters. This states that "Members of the Association (be they individuals or clubs) shall not in any way facilitate the organisetion of events other than those which are fully compliant with the IOA event registration procedures, or with the unambiguous permission of the club with whom the area is registered, if it is registered". This was passed with a margin of one vote. As a result of this BOC's Ted Lucey resigned as Juniors Officer. Clearly this is an issue which has troubled Munster orienteering for some years and had failed to be resulved at local level. Judging by the vote, not everyone was happy that a constitutional amendment was the best way to resolve the matter.

Interestingly, the Constitution (article 11) states that constitutional amendments require "the approval of a simple majority of those members present at a general meeting". Now this amendment was carried by 11 votes to 10. There were more than 21 people at the meeting, so if we assume that everyone at the meeting was entitled to vote, then it seems to me that this fails to meet the criterion of "a simple majority of the members present". We'll have to wait and see.

Perhaps with a less Munster-oriented IOA executive this year it might be possible to take a slightly more detached look at the situation and maybe even resolve it rather than split the organisation?

On a happier note, the annual awards were announced: The Mactire Trophy (donated by the defunct Mactire Orienteers of Dublin) went to Ken Griffin for his outstanding work during the pat year, particularly with the World Cup. The Silva Trophy went to Frank Ryan for his work with coaching; the Silva Award went to Irish team manager Ronan Cleary for his behind-the-scenes work for the Team; the map awards went to Crohan (Grade 1) and Lyradane (Grade 3). There was no Grade 2 map nominated.

And there are still some vacancies to be filled, including the most vital of all: Honorary Secretary. Now come on, folks ...!