Coaching Corner

By Frank Ryan IOA Coaching Officer IOA

High Performance Orienteers pre-WOC Camp 1999 Scotland

A Coach Education cum high performance orienteers (Elites) pre-World Orienteering Championship Camp 1999 is being held in the Inverness area on the week (Sat 24- Thur 29th July) prior to the World Championships in Inverness in Scotland.

If you are interested in improving your coaching or organisational skills or wish to train with our high performance orienteers prior to the World Championships in top class terrain this is an opportunity not to be missed.

Level 3 candidates can satisfy their practical coaching requirements by attending this Senior Training Camp in Scotland in July instead of the Junior training Camp in Ireland in August. Please indicate as soon as possible if you intend to participate in this training camp. Aonghus OCleirigh has block booked 20 places (12 men, 8 women) in the Inverness Youth Hostel from Sat 24 July until Thu 29 July (inclusive). The cost per person is Stg13.25 per night and includes breakfast. (Cost is Stg12.25 per night if you are a member of the hostelling association.) We can book more places at this particular hostel if necessary, but probably not for long.

Interested persons please contact Aonghus O'Cleirigh who is cordinating the numbers attending in order to arrange accommodation. (Aonghus O'Cleirigh, 60 Blackheath Park, Clontarf, Dublin 3 Tel. 01-8336263 Email:

IOA Level 3 Coach Education Course

The third Coach Education Course Workshop - Technical Training will take place in the Muckross Venture Centre (a converted church), Killarney on Friday 18th to Sunday 20th June This workshop will commence on Friday with registration at 21.00hrs. Lectures/Workshops will start at 09.00hrs on Saturday and continue to about 18.00hrs. The course will continue on Sunday from 09.00hrs to 16.00hrs. All level 2 coaches as well as the level 3 candidates are invited to attend this workshop. The cost for the weekend will be £20 and this will include meals in the hostel cooked by the course participants.

The course will take place in the hostel and practical sessions will be held on the Black Lakes, Muckross and the Blue Pool maps. Senior squad members are also being invited to come along for the weekend get in some technical training before the Irish Championships.

IOA Junior Orienteering Residential Summer Camp Sat. 21st-28th Aug. 1999

A one week Junior Orienteering Residential Summer Coaching and Training Camp will be run in Killarney from Saturday 21st August to Saturday 28th August 1999. Bunk-bed accommodation will be provided in dormitories. Basic and advanced orienteering instruction will be given using a variety of orienteering areas from forest to open terrain. Other sports and adventure activities will also be included. The course will be for M/W 14-18 boys and girls. The course fee for the week will be £120 per person fully residential.

Application for the course with deposit of £40 should be sent to Frank Ryan, IOA Coaching Officer, St. Mary's, Ballinfoyle, Galway. Tel: 091-753829 home, Tel: 091- 770555 ext. 2213 work E-mail: Cheques / Postal orders should be made payable to the Irish Orienteering Association. The balance of the course fee will be payable six weeks before course commences. As numbers are limited by space to 36 persons, places will be allocated on first come first served basis. Application forms have been sent to clubs or can be requested directly from me by enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.