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Shamrock O-Ringen 1999

Day 3 Split Results - Crohane Lake

Note: To obtain a high quality portrait printout of these results,
      you are advised to print directly from the Excel files 
      available from the main Shamrock O-Ringen results page.

M10    2.000km  12C                 
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 F 1 509 Short Rory 24:57 1:31 3:24 6:02 8:30 9:51 11:56 13:18 14:57 17:34 19:01 22:48 24:21 24:57 CNOC Naas 1:31 1:53 2:38 2:28 1:21 2:05 1:22 1:39 2:37 1:27 3:47 1:33 0:36 2 508 Short Conor 37:55 3:08 7:56 13:05 16:05 18:39 22:00 23:45 26:18 30:24 32:02 35:24 36:50 37:55 CNOC Naas 3:08 4:48 5:09 3:00 2:34 3:21 1:45 2:33 4:06 1:38 3:22 1:26 1:05 3 500 Carney Gavin 65:55 21:46 24:03 27:45 33:28 35:33 48:39 53:06 55:16 59:00 60:38 63:34 65:15 65:55 CNOC Naas 21:46 2:17 3:42 5:43 2:05 13:06 4:27 2:10 3:44 1:38 2:56 1:41 0:40
M14 3.350km 15C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F 1 462 Foley-Fisher Chris 32:10 2:20 4:33 6:18 8:17 10:11 13:51 15:17 16:49 22:12 24:03 26:56 28:48 29:32 31:03 31:44 32:10 MNAV Galway 2:20 2:13 1:45 1:59 1:54 3:40 1:26 1:32 5:23 1:51 2:53 1:52 0:44 1:31 0:41 0:26 2 457 Gould Brendan 33:35 2:42 4:58 6:34 7:57 9:26 13:07 14:58 16:34 23:32 25:29 27:58 30:07 30:49 32:13 33:03 33:35 Devon Devon 2:42 2:16 1:36 1:23 1:29 3:41 1:51 1:36 6:58 1:57 2:29 2:09 0:42 1:24 0:50 0:32 3 461 Niland David 43:31 2:59 5:59 7:34 9:07 10:55 15:14 18:48 21:04 27:56 31:14 34:16 38:42 40:24 42:15 43:02 43:31 AJAX Dublin 2:59 3:00 1:35 1:33 1:48 4:19 3:34 2:16 6:52 3:18 3:02 4:26 1:42 1:51 0:47 0:29 4 458 Broadhead David 46:06 2:46 5:33 7:11 9:00 10:43 16:06 17:58 22:16 30:13 33:02 36:28 39:19 40:20 44:36 45:27 46:06 WRE Wrekin 2:46 2:47 1:38 1:49 1:43 5:23 1:52 4:18 7:57 2:49 3:26 2:51 1:01 4:16 0:51 0:39 5 472 Mailey Connor 48:53 3:00 5:44 8:14 10:01 12:28 18:31 20:58 23:23 32:43 34:42 38:47 41:51 43:08 47:40 48:21 48:53 NWOC N.I. 3:00 2:44 2:30 1:47 2:27 6:03 2:27 2:25 9:20 1:59 4:05 3:04 1:17 4:32 0:41 0:32 6 466 Greene Garret 53:41 3:35 6:24 9:21 11:44 14:16 20:09 25:51 27:53 37:04 39:16 44:10 47:44 48:42 52:06 52:59 53:41 DLSO Dublin 3:35 2:49 2:57 2:23 2:32 5:53 5:42 2:02 9:11 2:12 4:54 3:34 0:58 3:24 0:53 0:42 7 464 Geary Paul 87:10 3:27 6:19 8:33 10:05 11:47 60:47 62:31 64:41 73:13 76:17 79:39 82:25 83:10 85:55 86:36 87:10 BVOC Cork 3:27 2:52 2:14 1:32 1:42 49:00 1:44 2:10 8:32 3:04 3:22 2:46 0:45 2:45 0:41 0:34
M16 5.170km 15C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F 1 443 Van Rossum Tom 62:20 2:06 8:24 16:16 19:39 25:47 32:50 34:40 41:07 44:12 45:39 50:52 57:24 60:19 61:24 61:57 62:20 AIRE Leeds 2:06 6:18 7:52 3:23 6:08 7:03 1:50 6:27 3:05 1:27 5:13 6:32 2:55 1:05 0:33 0:23 2 439 Healy David 72:45 3:32 10:22 16:16 18:44 22:45 28:48 38:22 42:16 53:58 55:35 58:00 67:59 70:32 71:51 72:20 72:45 GEN Dublin 3:32 6:50 5:54 2:28 4:01 6:03 9:34 3:54 11:42 1:37 2:25 9:59 2:33 1:19 0:29 0:25 3 442 Fulton Ben 84:10 5:10 11:53 19:00 22:23 34:01 39:54 49:32 53:28 65:14 66:50 69:13 79:06 81:41 83:07 83:40 84:10 NWOC N.I. 5:10 6:43 7:07 3:23 11:38 5:53 9:38 3:56 11:46 1:36 2:23 9:53 2:35 1:26 0:33 0:30 4 433 Mills Andrew 100:15 3:20 19:03 41:11 46:17 55:25 63:06 65:28 70:02 81:48 84:00 87:30 94:20 97:36 98:59 99:47 100:15 FERMO N.I. 3:20 15:43 22:08 5:06 9:08 7:41 2:22 4:34 11:46 2:12 3:30 6:50 3:16 1:23 0:48 0:28 5 440 McCloskey Matthew 103:20 2:57 9:26 17:45 20:25 28:53 43:20 54:11 58:20 64:15 66:57 71:44 97:24 100:18 101:56 102:54 103:20 NWOC N.I. 2:57 6:29 8:19 2:40 8:28 14:27 10:51 4:09 5:55 2:42 4:47 25:40 2:54 1:38 0:58 0:26 6 432 Wheeldon Robert 104:26 3:29 10:23 18:43 21:47 30:20 37:25 42:29 47:43 56:42 62:20 65:35 99:20 101:58 103:21 103:58 104:26 NWOC N.I. 3:29 6:54 8:20 3:04 8:33 7:05 5:04 5:14 8:59 5:38 3:15 33:45 2:38 1:23 0:37 0:28 7 435 Gould Caedmon 105:15 3:23 11:03 19:44 22:37 31:16 38:24 43:26 48:48 57:32 63:26 66:39 100:16 102:59 104:09 104:50 105:15 Devon Devon 3:23 7:40 8:41 2:53 8:39 7:08 5:02 5:22 8:44 5:54 3:13 33:37 2:43 1:10 0:41 0:25
M18 6.570km 17C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 F 1 516 McCarthy Ewan 63:21 1:29 5:20 12:40 14:46 19:06 24:04 26:11 30:18 31:47 37:04 40:40 41:44 46:03 52:20 57:19 62:17 62:50 63:21 INVOC UK 1:29 3:51 7:20 2:06 4:20 4:58 2:07 4:07 1:29 5:17 3:36 1:04 4:19 6:17 4:59 4:58 0:33 0:31 2 124 Bourke Niall 65:03 1:34 6:05 14:06 15:54 20:33 26:28 28:58 33:27 35:10 41:08 43:54 44:39 50:25 57:13 62:55 64:00 64:33 65:03 Cork O Cork 1:34 4:31 8:01 1:48 4:39 5:55 2:30 4:29 1:43 5:58 2:46 0:45 5:46 6:48 5:42 1:05 0:33 0:30 3 126 Finlay Rory 66:03 1:34 6:11 14:22 16:51 21:18 27:18 29:48 34:16 35:57 42:02 44:37 45:21 50:59 58:05 63:58 64:58 65:29 66:03 FERMO N.I. 1:34 4:37 8:11 2:29 4:27 6:00 2:30 4:28 1:41 6:05 2:35 0:44 5:38 7:06 5:53 1:00 0:31 0:34 4 504 Barry Alan 66:49 1:40 6:27 15:02 18:00 22:31 28:25 30:52 35:17 36:53 43:10 46:01 46:43 52:22 59:08 64:47 65:51 66:25 66:49 Cork O Cork 1:40 4:47 8:35 2:58 4:31 5:54 2:27 4:25 1:36 6:17 2:51 0:42 5:39 6:46 5:39 1:04 0:34 0:24 5 515 Sanderson Mark 67:50 1:47 6:09 15:06 17:00 21:25 27:34 29:49 34:54 36:34 42:12 45:34 46:39 51:40 60:03 65:43 66:56 67:28 67:50 TVOC UK 1:47 4:22 8:57 1:54 4:25 6:09 2:15 5:05 1:40 5:38 3:22 1:05 5:01 8:23 5:40 1:13 0:32 0:22 6 119 Burke Darren 69:40 1:46 6:24 15:08 17:14 22:15 28:36 31:13 36:37 38:26 43:59 47:17 48:23 53:45 61:49 67:34 68:42 69:18 69:40 Cork O Cork 1:46 4:38 8:44 2:06 5:01 6:21 2:37 5:24 1:49 5:33 3:18 1:06 5:22 8:04 5:45 1:08 0:36 0:22 7 116 Broadhead James 72:56 1:57 7:57 17:05 20:34 25:35 30:28 33:00 38:20 39:51 45:32 49:49 50:45 56:54 64:35 70:36 71:54 72:30 72:56 WRE Wrekin 1:57 6:00 9:08 3:29 5:01 4:53 2:32 5:20 1:31 5:41 4:17 0:56 6:09 7:41 6:01 1:18 0:36 0:26 8 122 Foley-Fisher Natha 82:28 1:37 13:52 22:50 25:43 31:15 37:26 39:38 46:20 47:55 53:45 58:02 58:55 64:20 73:36 80:05 81:19 81:56 82:28 MNAV Galway 1:37 12:15 8:58 2:53 5:32 6:11 2:12 6:42 1:35 5:50 4:17 0:53 5:25 9:16 6:29 1:14 0:37 0:32 9 123 Fellows Ian 97:59 1:40 14:50 24:21 26:58 32:21 38:32 41:32 47:38 49:43 58:20 65:20 66:24 73:26 87:35 95:46 96:54 97:32 97:59 FERMO N.I. 1:40 13:10 9:31 2:37 5:23 6:11 3:00 6:06 2:05 8:37 7:00 1:04 7:02 14:09 8:11 1:08 0:38 0:27 10 125 McGahon Paul 102:40 1:23 12:49 22:26 25:01 30:17 36:29 39:21 45:39 47:58 56:47 63:53 64:57 74:55 87:23 99:38 101:05 102:05 102:40 NWOC N.I. 1:23 11:26 9:37 2:35 5:16 6:12 2:52 6:18 2:19 8:49 7:06 1:04 9:58 12:28 12:15 1:27 1:00 0:35 121 Greene Barry mp W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 210:31 6:53 19:19 DLSO Dublin 210:31 *157 *151 34:38 46:41 52:24 75:22 96:55 117:08 120:51 127:11 *149 *146 *144 *102 *117 *113 *114 *115
M20 8.030km 15C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F 1 57 Palmer Robert 97:17 3:16 10:27 17:03 18:55 30:40 51:16 54:40 61:21 66:18 79:00 84:40 87:54 92:58 96:09 96:46 97:17 UNOC Wales 3:16 7:11 6:36 1:52 11:45 20:36 3:24 6:41 4:57 12:42 5:40 3:14 5:04 3:11 0:37 0:31
M21E 9.840km 20C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 F 1 6 Rothery Colm 77:35 1:56 5:17 6:42 12:54 14:39 20:08 34:38 36:59 41:20 44:44 53:57 58:25 59:46 64:19 65:38 71:39 73:00 75:56 76:47 77:10 77:35 AJAX Dublin 1:56 3:21 1:25 6:12 1:45 5:29 14:30 2:21 4:21 3:24 9:13 4:28 1:21 4:33 1:19 6:01 1:21 2:56 0:51 0:23 0:25 2 18 O'Halloran Colm 81:04 2:20 5:17 6:47 12:43 14:27 19:58 33:55 36:33 41:16 44:57 53:41 58:05 59:34 64:44 68:36 75:06 76:47 79:34 80:20 80:45 81:04 Lee O Cork 2:20 2:57 1:30 5:56 1:44 5:31 13:57 2:38 4:43 3:41 8:44 4:24 1:29 5:10 3:52 6:30 1:41 2:47 0:46 0:25 0:19 3 3 Pinker Marcus 82:02 2:04 5:09 6:36 12:32 14:19 21:00 34:57 37:38 42:16 45:52 55:59 60:27 61:57 67:18 69:34 76:04 77:38 80:24 81:13 81:40 82:02 Cork O Cork 2:04 3:05 1:27 5:56 1:47 6:41 13:57 2:41 4:38 3:36 10:07 4:28 1:30 5:21 2:16 6:30 1:34 2:46 0:49 0:27 0:22 4 8 Seddon Mark 82:43 2:27 6:04 7:35 13:38 15:24 20:40 37:19 40:05 44:34 48:21 57:52 62:02 63:24 68:00 69:21 76:33 77:55 80:44 81:44 82:17 82:43 MDOC Manchester 2:27 3:37 1:31 6:03 1:46 5:16 16:39 2:46 4:29 3:47 9:31 4:10 1:22 4:36 1:21 7:12 1:22 2:49 1:00 0:33 0:26 5 20 Walder Patrick 84:08 2:23 5:30 7:13 13:01 14:57 19:56 36:12 39:13 43:46 47:45 57:02 61:35 63:38 68:42 70:02 77:35 78:57 82:07 83:11 83:43 84:08 CLYDE UK 2:23 3:07 1:43 5:48 1:56 4:59 16:16 3:01 4:33 3:59 9:17 4:33 2:03 5:04 1:20 7:33 1:22 3:10 1:04 0:32 0:25 6 32 Edwards William 85:09 2:18 5:01 6:53 12:17 14:11 19:14 34:24 37:00 41:31 45:32 55:19 59:49 61:13 66:22 69:14 78:02 79:51 82:54 83:58 84:35 85:09 Cork O Cork 2:18 2:43 1:52 5:24 1:54 5:03 15:10 2:36 4:31 4:01 9:47 4:30 1:24 5:09 2:52 8:48 1:49 3:03 1:04 0:37 0:34 7 10 Logue James 85:50 2:07 5:03 6:48 12:40 16:40 22:00 39:13 41:50 45:53 49:18 59:23 64:14 65:28 69:55 71:16 77:58 79:51 83:32 84:48 85:22 85:50 NWOC N.I. 2:07 2:56 1:45 5:52 4:00 5:20 17:13 2:37 4:03 3:25 10:05 4:51 1:14 4:27 1:21 6:42 1:53 3:41 1:16 0:34 0:28 8 33 Linton Steven 87:49 2:27 5:28 7:05 13:02 14:43 20:32 36:27 39:14 43:59 47:20 57:20 62:55 64:25 69:45 71:20 79:40 81:02 85:22 86:42 87:21 87:49 NWOC N.I. 2:27 3:01 1:37 5:57 1:41 5:49 15:55 2:47 4:45 3:21 10:00 5:35 1:30 5:20 1:35 8:20 1:22 4:20 1:20 0:39 0:28 9 9 Adams Charlie 89:24 2:30 5:38 6:58 12:55 14:46 20:41 36:03 38:43 43:05 46:59 57:56 62:01 63:23 68:06 70:45 80:55 83:24 87:02 88:09 88:50 89:24 SYO Yorkshire 2:30 3:08 1:20 5:57 1:51 5:55 15:22 2:40 4:22 3:54 10:57 4:05 1:22 4:43 2:39 10:10 2:29 3:38 1:07 0:41 0:34 10 15 Emelius John 90:19 2:22 5:37 7:57 14:24 17:47 23:19 38:57 41:50 46:34 50:57 60:29 65:12 66:40 71:55 73:32 81:33 83:35 87:59 89:12 89:52 90:19 JOK London 2:22 3:15 2:20 6:27 3:23 5:32 15:38 2:53 4:44 4:23 9:32 4:43 1:28 5:15 1:37 8:01 2:02 4:24 1:13 0:40 0:27 11 1 Brady Gerry 93:20 2:33 5:43 7:49 13:59 16:26 21:42 42:52 45:31 50:05 53:54 63:24 67:42 69:03 73:43 75:21 86:18 88:12 91:10 92:15 92:51 93:20 Cork O Cork 2:33 3:10 2:06 6:10 2:27 5:16 21:10 2:39 4:34 3:49 9:30 4:18 1:21 4:40 1:38 10:57 1:54 2:58 1:05 0:36 0:29 12 27 Simpson Andy 97:11 2:22 5:45 7:27 13:50 15:40 21:06 39:07 42:03 47:55 51:56 64:40 69:38 71:11 76:51 78:43 89:20 91:00 94:49 95:57 96:34 97:11 EPOC UK 2:22 3:23 1:42 6:23 1:50 5:26 18:01 2:56 5:52 4:01 12:44 4:58 1:33 5:40 1:52 10:37 1:40 3:49 1:08 0:37 0:37 13 5 McLindon Hugh 98:48 2:25 5:46 7:56 13:36 15:14 20:26 38:03 40:57 46:02 49:43 60:04 67:07 68:50 74:23 75:44 89:21 93:01 96:40 97:49 98:21 98:48 3ROC Dublin 2:25 3:21 2:10 5:40 1:38 5:12 17:37 2:54 5:05 3:41 10:21 7:03 1:43 5:33 1:21 13:37 3:40 3:39 1:09 0:32 0:27 14 4 Williams Justin 100:35 2:39 6:00 8:36 14:48 17:16 24:24 43:02 46:05 52:36 57:21 68:03 73:07 74:50 81:25 83:39 93:05 94:41 98:17 99:34 100:11 100:35 SN UK 2:39 3:21 2:36 6:12 2:28 7:08 18:38 3:03 6:31 4:45 10:42 5:04 1:43 6:35 2:14 9:26 1:36 3:36 1:17 0:37 0:24 15 14 Toomey John 101:03 2:32 6:09 8:36 14:15 16:05 20:37 42:10 44:42 49:11 52:55 62:06 69:22 70:47 76:26 77:48 91:29 95:02 98:49 99:56 100:31 101:03 LOST Australia 2:32 3:37 2:27 5:39 1:50 4:32 21:33 2:32 4:29 3:44 9:11 7:16 1:25 5:39 1:22 13:41 3:33 3:47 1:07 0:35 0:32 16 34 O'Brien Brendan 101:50 2:22 5:33 7:29 15:03 16:44 22:36 42:57 46:22 51:01 54:46 64:02 71:21 72:51 79:14 80:50 94:37 96:08 99:43 100:53 101:26 101:50 AJAX Dublin 2:22 3:11 1:56 7:34 1:41 5:52 20:21 3:25 4:39 3:45 9:16 7:19 1:30 6:23 1:36 13:47 1:31 3:35 1:10 0:33 0:24 17 28 Bogle Allan 106:01 2:19 5:28 7:21 12:53 14:47 20:32 39:07 41:53 47:14 52:11 64:13 73:18 74:55 81:16 84:08 95:42 97:38 103:55 105:03 105:40 106:01 NWOC N.I. 2:19 3:09 1:53 5:32 1:54 5:45 18:35 2:46 5:21 4:57 12:02 9:05 1:37 6:21 2:52 11:34 1:56 6:17 1:08 0:37 0:21 18 21 Kinnon Richard 130:08 2:59 7:12 9:08 16:48 18:49 27:29 55:23 59:45 66:30 72:07 85:48 93:00 95:02 102:16 104:22 119:18 123:04 127:37 129:03 129:40 130:08 MV UK 2:59 4:13 1:56 7:40 2:01 8:40 27:54 4:22 6:45 5:37 13:41 7:12 2:02 7:14 2:06 14:56 3:46 4:33 1:26 0:37 0:28 11 Huzan Pete mp 3:20 23:24 26:01 35:20 38:09 47:07 W W W W 53:08 61:28 63:55 72:03 77:33 95:30 97:35 101:42 102:54 103:34 104:04 JOK London 3:20 20:04 2:37 9:19 2:49 8:58 6:01 8:20 2:27 8:08 5:30 17:57 2:05 4:07 1:12 0:40 0:30 12 O'Cleirigh Aonghus mp 2:32 6:08 7:41 13:30 15:59 21:40 38:08 40:46 48:52 53:10 ?.?? ?.?? ?.?? ?.?? ?.?? ?.?? W W W W 104:05 AJAX Dublin 2:32 3:36 1:33 5:49 2:29 5:41 16:28 2:38 8:06 4:18 50:55 5:36 8:47 13:58 25:43 29:34 34:13 36:11 38:00 45:01 51:01 62:15 66:55 68:25 73:08 87:46 99:25 106:20 110:42 114:19 117:38 *156 *150 *148 *102 *117 *114 *112 *110 *109 *108 *104 *105 *106 *107 *103 *120 *121 *167 *164 *161
M21L 8.030km 15C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F 1 85 Schlatter Stefan 79:39 2:20 8:04 13:37 15:27 21:17 38:15 41:38 47:32 51:23 61:27 68:39 73:49 77:24 78:25 79:09 79:39 Switzerland 2:20 5:44 5:33 1:50 5:50 16:58 3:23 5:54 3:51 10:04 7:12 5:10 3:35 1:01 0:44 0:30 2 73 Callery Thomas 82:31 2:41 8:35 13:45 15:51 22:21 39:54 43:32 49:50 54:27 66:01 71:52 76:11 80:19 81:31 82:07 82:31 AJAX Dublin 2:41 5:54 5:10 2:06 6:30 17:33 3:38 6:18 4:37 11:34 5:51 4:19 4:08 1:12 0:36 0:24 3 65 Casey Patrick 85:59 2:34 8:24 14:12 17:03 22:57 43:42 48:05 53:48 57:39 70:35 75:32 79:07 83:41 84:55 85:34 85:59 GEN Dublin 2:34 5:50 5:48 2:51 5:54 20:45 4:23 5:43 3:51 12:56 4:57 3:35 4:34 1:14 0:39 0:25 4 68 Flynn Martin 86:00 2:32 8:47 14:29 16:31 22:46 41:58 45:08 52:36 56:32 69:29 74:57 78:13 83:03 84:42 85:33 86:00 AJAX Dublin 2:32 6:15 5:42 2:02 6:15 19:12 3:10 7:28 3:56 12:57 5:28 3:16 4:50 1:39 0:51 0:27 5 74 Quin Andrew 86:25 3:17 10:02 16:46 18:40 25:34 43:57 47:15 53:31 58:19 70:42 77:11 80:09 84:15 85:27 86:00 86:25 DUO Dublin 3:17 6:45 6:44 1:54 6:54 18:23 3:18 6:16 4:48 12:23 6:29 2:58 4:06 1:12 0:33 0:25 6 80 Bowering Mike 87:16 2:53 10:17 15:31 17:26 27:57 44:38 48:30 54:57 59:10 70:17 76:49 81:14 85:14 86:22 86:52 87:16 MOK Marlborough 2:53 7:24 5:14 1:55 10:31 16:41 3:52 6:27 4:13 11:07 6:32 4:25 4:00 1:08 0:30 0:24 7 82 Hess Stefan 88:16 2:45 8:56 14:55 16:44 22:51 44:50 48:44 54:09 59:52 72:53 78:22 80:59 86:05 87:12 87:50 88:16 OLVZ Switzerland 2:45 6:11 5:59 1:49 6:07 21:59 3:54 5:25 5:43 13:01 5:29 2:37 5:06 1:07 0:38 0:26 8 75 Brennan Philip 91:24 2:59 9:38 15:56 18:10 24:53 45:31 50:22 56:20 62:39 76:03 81:25 84:03 89:02 90:16 90:55 91:24 Set Dublin 2:59 6:39 6:18 2:14 6:43 20:38 4:51 5:58 6:19 13:24 5:22 2:38 4:59 1:14 0:39 0:29 9 63 Reichmuth Alex 92:06 2:44 9:22 15:56 19:13 25:43 48:43 51:59 57:45 62:09 76:35 82:34 85:24 89:41 90:55 91:34 92:06 Switzerland 2:44 6:38 6:34 3:17 6:30 23:00 3:16 5:46 4:24 14:26 5:59 2:50 4:17 1:14 0:39 0:32 10 70 Currie Dave 92:48 2:53 9:31 15:43 17:41 23:53 46:45 53:36 59:11 63:35 75:57 81:00 83:42 90:31 91:40 92:19 92:48 JOK London 2:53 6:38 6:12 1:58 6:12 22:52 6:51 5:35 4:24 12:22 5:03 2:42 6:49 1:09 0:39 0:29 11 84 MacDonnchadha Corm 94:16 3:10 11:20 19:01 21:31 30:42 51:01 54:45 60:38 64:44 77:23 82:17 85:28 91:24 92:44 93:44 94:16 AJAX Dublin 3:10 8:10 7:41 2:30 9:11 20:19 3:44 5:53 4:06 12:39 4:54 3:11 5:56 1:20 1:00 0:32 12 93 McGrellis Declan 97:09 3:08 10:32 17:45 20:33 29:09 50:07 53:43 60:15 64:12 77:34 83:12 86:43 93:57 95:49 96:43 97:09 LVO N.I. 3:08 7:24 7:13 2:48 8:36 20:58 3:36 6:32 3:57 13:22 5:38 3:31 7:14 1:52 0:54 0:26 13 77 Keatinge Justin 104:28 3:06 10:18 17:13 20:16 29:55 60:09 63:28 69:51 75:19 87:08 92:37 95:19 101:53 103:08 103:49 104:28 AJAX Dublin 3:06 7:12 6:55 3:03 9:39 30:14 3:19 6:23 5:28 11:49 5:29 2:42 6:34 1:15 0:41 0:39 14 86 Campbell Stephen 105:48 2:45 9:55 16:30 18:52 26:38 52:27 56:32 62:57 67:20 81:28 88:14 95:32 102:45 104:27 105:20 105:48 LVO N.I. 2:45 7:10 6:35 2:22 7:46 25:49 4:05 6:25 4:23 14:08 6:46 7:18 7:13 1:42 0:53 0:28 15 79 Larsen Rene 107:14 2:45 9:36 16:00 18:32 24:58 59:08 62:40 68:30 73:14 85:47 91:38 96:51 104:28 105:57 106:47 107:14 AJAX Dublin 2:45 6:51 6:24 2:32 6:26 34:10 3:32 5:50 4:44 12:33 5:51 5:13 7:37 1:29 0:50 0:27 16 60 Newbery Piers 108:55 3:14 10:10 17:32 20:46 33:11 54:28 58:13 68:33 72:51 88:50 94:39 99:21 105:56 107:30 108:26 108:55 JOK London 3:14 6:56 7:22 3:14 12:25 21:17 3:45 10:20 4:18 15:59 5:49 4:42 6:35 1:34 0:56 0:29 17 69 Hill Richard 113:35 3:01 10:19 17:53 20:44 30:52 58:00 62:15 70:00 75:35 89:05 96:13 102:33 110:40 112:12 113:02 113:35 DEE Cheshire 3:01 7:18 7:34 2:51 10:08 27:08 4:15 7:45 5:35 13:30 7:08 6:20 8:07 1:32 0:50 0:33 18 87 O'Connor Brendan 115:00 3:32 14:24 22:15 24:46 34:39 65:24 69:22 78:51 83:51 97:28 104:13 107:58 112:31 113:45 114:28 115:00 AJAX Dublin 3:32 10:52 7:51 2:31 9:53 30:45 3:58 9:29 5:00 13:37 6:45 3:45 4:33 1:14 0:43 0:32 19 92 Hall Tim 126:28 3:17 10:33 18:50 23:20 33:16 67:13 73:08 81:06 87:08 104:14 111:24 115:28 123:14 124:55 125:48 126:28 HH Hertfordshire 3:17 7:16 8:17 4:30 9:56 33:57 5:55 7:58 6:02 17:06 7:10 4:04 7:46 1:41 0:53 0:40 20 89 Davison Rob 131:51 4:08 12:08 19:55 22:08 40:30 82:58 87:49 95:36 100:24 113:59 120:30 123:33 129:11 130:33 131:16 131:51 31:54 SYO Yorkshire 4:08 8:00 7:47 2:13 18:22 42:28 4:51 7:47 4:48 13:35 6:31 3:03 5:38 1:22 0:43 0:35 *216 71 Bohan Mitchell mp 6:56 15:31 25:11 42:04 52:06 93:14 102:09 W W W W W W W W 164:55 CNOC Naas 6:56 8:35 9:40 16:53 10:02 41:08 8:55 62:46 66 Stansfield Ben mp W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 124:40 5:33 9:30 15:59 31:36 FVO Scotland 124:40 *156 *150 *148 *102 35:40 41:24 43:52 46:46 52:20 59:54 78:18 102:10 109:52 116:03 120:43 123:53 *117 *114 *112 *110 *109 *108 *101 *120 *121 *167 *164 *161 67 Buckley Fergal mp W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 161:31 7:56 12:33 21:50 45:17 DUO Dublin 161:31 *156 *150 *148 *102 49:18 70:23 72:57 75:34 80:40 89:52 115:45 146:33 160:19 *117 *114 *112 *110 *109 *108 *101 *167 *161
M21N 3.980km 16C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 F 1 503 Cryan Brendan 63:15 4:06 7:16 9:08 13:40 21:23 25:20 27:50 31:03 35:29 41:12 44:10 51:24 55:11 59:02 61:15 62:28 63:15 3ROC Dublin 4:06 3:10 1:52 4:32 7:43 3:57 2:30 3:13 4:26 5:43 2:58 7:14 3:47 3:51 2:13 1:13 0:47 2 475 Lalor Gerry 90:29 3:11 5:22 7:23 14:15 24:40 27:49 30:02 31:59 35:18 39:20 41:25 47:47 82:42 85:01 88:54 89:57 90:29 58:17 AJAX Dublin 3:11 2:11 2:01 6:52 10:25 3:09 2:13 1:57 3:19 4:02 2:05 6:22 34:55 2:19 3:53 1:03 0:32 *185 534 Roberts Andrew mp 4:07 8:39 11:01 16:14 23:22 27:39 31:09 35:08 39:59 46:39 51:11 59:58 66:43 73:21 79:59 81:16 82:08 Vacant 4:07 4:32 2:22 5:13 7:08 4:17 3:30 3:59 4:51 6:40 4:32 8:47 6:45 6:38 6:38 1:17 0:52
M21S 5.820km 17C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 F 1 165 Turner Graham 54:15 1:35 8:21 9:43 14:39 18:09 19:55 23:54 29:11 33:49 34:43 39:38 43:35 47:52 49:47 51:57 53:10 53:49 54:15 BigFoot Australia 1:35 6:46 1:22 4:56 3:30 1:46 3:59 5:17 4:38 0:54 4:55 3:57 4:17 1:55 2:10 1:13 0:39 0:26 2 174 Marsden Ian 60:56 1:39 9:33 11:33 18:25 22:48 25:23 30:22 36:59 40:31 41:22 47:13 51:22 55:10 57:02 58:42 59:55 60:31 60:56 HH Hertfordshire 1:39 7:54 2:00 6:52 4:23 2:35 4:59 6:37 3:32 0:51 5:51 4:09 3:48 1:52 1:40 1:13 0:36 0:25 3 148 Higgins Aodan 63:15 2:08 8:33 9:59 15:07 19:21 23:19 27:49 33:06 39:26 40:30 45:02 50:34 54:13 56:46 58:31 62:19 62:51 63:15 LOK London 2:08 6:25 1:26 5:08 4:14 3:58 4:30 5:17 6:20 1:04 4:32 5:32 3:39 2:33 1:45 3:48 0:32 0:24 4 172 Wehrli Christian 64:23 2:03 10:16 11:57 18:04 23:20 25:29 30:40 37:00 41:05 42:07 47:48 53:04 57:18 59:38 61:34 63:03 63:49 64:23 Switzerland 2:03 8:13 1:41 6:07 5:16 2:09 5:11 6:20 4:05 1:02 5:41 5:16 4:14 2:20 1:56 1:29 0:46 0:34 5 528 Wilson Steve 65:15 1:46 10:19 11:53 18:19 23:24 25:39 30:52 38:04 42:45 43:47 49:54 54:38 59:02 61:08 62:53 64:06 64:50 65:15 LVO N.I. 1:46 8:33 1:34 6:26 5:05 2:15 5:13 7:12 4:41 1:02 6:07 4:44 4:24 2:06 1:45 1:13 0:44 0:25 6 170 Marsden Jon 66:21 1:54 9:48 11:22 17:26 22:39 25:05 29:48 35:49 42:32 44:42 49:59 54:43 59:13 61:40 63:37 65:09 65:48 66:21 HH Hertfordshire 1:54 7:54 1:34 6:04 5:13 2:26 4:43 6:01 6:43 2:10 5:17 4:44 4:30 2:27 1:57 1:32 0:39 0:33 7 149 Vag Lars-Johan 66:47 1:58 10:00 11:58 18:06 23:03 25:16 30:20 36:47 40:55 41:56 48:32 53:04 57:29 60:15 63:00 65:29 66:14 66:47 SSK Sweden 1:58 8:02 1:58 6:08 4:57 2:13 5:04 6:27 4:08 1:01 6:36 4:32 4:25 2:46 2:45 2:29 0:45 0:33 8 175 Smith Colin 68:27 2:21 10:44 12:51 19:08 23:19 26:51 32:36 39:09 43:00 44:50 51:27 56:50 61:39 64:18 66:18 67:25 68:01 68:27 LVO N.I. 2:21 8:23 2:07 6:17 4:11 3:32 5:45 6:33 3:51 1:50 6:37 5:23 4:49 2:39 2:00 1:07 0:36 0:26 9 144 Dossenback Sandro 70:06 2:33 10:30 11:48 17:22 21:07 22:50 27:34 35:57 40:53 41:41 48:38 55:30 61:28 64:21 67:29 68:59 69:37 70:06 OLVZ Switzerland 2:33 7:57 1:18 5:34 3:45 1:43 4:44 8:23 4:56 0:48 6:57 6:52 5:58 2:53 3:08 1:30 0:38 0:29 10 163 Keller Daniel 71:06 2:07 12:43 14:28 20:33 25:09 27:15 32:06 38:08 42:04 43:14 52:31 56:27 61:52 66:53 68:36 70:01 70:38 71:06 OLVZ Switzerland 2:07 10:36 1:45 6:05 4:36 2:06 4:51 6:02 3:56 1:10 9:17 3:56 5:25 5:01 1:43 1:25 0:37 0:28 11 150 O'Mullane Andrew 72:01 2:07 11:13 13:02 19:58 25:24 28:39 34:24 41:07 45:15 46:15 52:23 57:52 63:00 67:46 69:34 70:57 71:38 72:01 GEN Dublin 2:07 9:06 1:49 6:56 5:26 3:15 5:45 6:43 4:08 1:00 6:08 5:29 5:08 4:46 1:48 1:23 0:41 0:23 12 155 O'Donghaile Diarma 74:50 2:00 10:48 12:34 18:59 24:11 26:39 32:26 38:56 46:13 47:40 54:17 59:48 66:18 69:39 71:50 73:44 74:26 74:50 DUO Dublin 2:00 8:48 1:46 6:25 5:12 2:28 5:47 6:30 7:17 1:27 6:37 5:31 6:30 3:21 2:11 1:54 0:42 0:24 13 533 Reid Charles 75:08 717:11 6:29 8:39 15:40 20:18 22:45 28:23 35:55 40:35 45:03 52:37 59:01 64:00 66:34 71:02 73:43 74:31 75:08 58:17 NWOC N.I. 717:11 2:10 7:01 4:38 2:27 5:38 7:32 4:40 4:28 7:34 6:24 4:59 2:34 4:28 2:41 0:48 0:37 *189 14 169 Doherty Gavan 76:06 2:38 12:08 13:52 20:34 26:07 28:23 34:41 41:24 45:33 47:26 54:19 59:21 67:19 70:09 73:30 74:52 75:35 76:06 GEN Dublin 2:38 9:30 1:44 6:42 5:33 2:16 6:18 6:43 4:09 1:53 6:53 5:02 7:58 2:50 3:21 1:22 0:43 0:31 14 160 Zahner Roland 76:06 2:25 11:20 13:07 19:50 24:47 27:27 34:23 41:39 47:08 48:46 56:08 60:56 66:39 69:33 73:22 74:50 75:33 76:06 OLVZ Switzerland 2:25 8:55 1:47 6:43 4:57 2:40 6:56 7:16 5:29 1:38 7:22 4:48 5:43 2:54 3:49 1:28 0:43 0:33 16 531 Houghton Rick 81:06 1:56 12:10 13:43 19:21 22:51 24:45 29:25 37:00 42:38 43:32 51:56 55:41 60:52 73:38 78:58 79:54 80:36 81:06 Vacant 1:56 10:14 1:33 5:38 3:30 1:54 4:40 7:35 5:38 0:54 8:24 3:45 5:11 12:46 5:20 0:56 0:42 0:30 17 176 Joyce Tony 81:31 2:09 10:58 12:38 23:56 28:27 32:17 38:48 45:57 52:08 53:09 60:06 66:12 71:29 76:04 78:35 80:10 80:56 81:31 AJAX Dublin 2:09 8:49 1:40 11:18 4:31 3:50 6:31 7:09 6:11 1:01 6:57 6:06 5:17 4:35 2:31 1:35 0:46 0:35 18 166 Bivrin Bengt 83:27 2:18 10:36 12:39 19:01 23:40 26:51 39:33 46:26 52:10 53:28 59:29 64:56 69:44 77:47 80:06 81:57 82:49 83:27 SSK Sweden 2:18 8:18 2:03 6:22 4:39 3:11 12:42 6:53 5:44 1:18 6:01 5:27 4:48 8:03 2:19 1:51 0:52 0:38 19 143 Field Tim 97:04 2:58 13:11 15:18 24:20 31:11 34:02 46:06 54:27 60:53 66:28 75:55 82:37 87:55 90:59 93:32 95:31 96:23 97:04 LOC Lakelands 2:58 10:13 2:07 9:02 6:51 2:51 12:04 8:21 6:26 5:35 9:27 6:42 5:18 3:04 2:33 1:59 0:52 0:41 20 145 McDermot Liam 101:28 2:19 11:55 13:59 20:51 29:09 31:46 43:54 50:51 65:11 67:41 76:01 82:28 90:31 95:24 97:49 100:09 100:52 101:28 FERMO N.I. 2:19 9:36 2:04 6:52 8:18 2:37 12:08 6:57 14:20 2:30 8:20 6:27 8:03 4:53 2:25 2:20 0:43 0:36 21 156 O'Sullivan Eugene 112:11 2:47 16:00 18:24 27:32 37:24 40:37 54:44 63:03 75:46 77:07 90:26 97:26 103:01 106:13 108:44 110:41 111:36 112:11 AJAX Dublin 2:47 13:13 2:24 9:08 9:52 3:13 14:07 8:19 12:43 1:21 13:19 7:00 5:35 3:12 2:31 1:57 0:55 0:35 22 151 Grant Michael 113:17 1:58 13:06 16:39 26:29 40:40 44:03 57:16 66:57 77:56 80:04 88:57 98:24 104:05 107:22 109:55 111:51 112:41 113:17 WATO Waterford 1:58 11:08 3:33 9:50 14:11 3:23 13:13 9:41 10:59 2:08 8:53 9:27 5:41 3:17 2:33 1:56 0:50 0:36 23 159 Butterfield Andrew 125:37 3:29 21:14 25:33 37:51 46:50 52:39 62:50 73:01 81:03 84:12 94:28 103:36 113:12 117:59 121:07 123:58 124:59 125:37 GEN Dublin 3:29 17:45 4:19 12:18 8:59 5:49 10:11 10:11 8:02 3:09 10:16 9:08 9:36 4:47 3:08 2:51 1:01 0:38 24 164 Fegan Paul 158:40 4:07 14:43 16:54 24:14 31:53 35:07 63:00 71:09 86:59 88:18 95:31 114:04 137:48 145:38 154:44 156:56 157:56 158:40 LVO N.I. 4:07 10:36 2:11 7:20 7:39 3:14 27:53 8:09 15:50 1:19 7:13 18:33 23:44 7:50 9:06 2:12 1:00 0:44 147 Meanmain Manus mp 6:59 27:09 32:10 46:31 57:19 62:37 78:10 94:38 104:21 106:53 120:01 140:09 W 165:00 W W 177:08 178:25 177:34 181:26 DUO Dublin 6:59 20:10 5:01 14:21 10:48 5:18 15:33 16:28 9:43 2:32 13:08 20:08 24:51 12:08 1:17 *158 *156 201:08 219:41 225:38 231:30 238:23 250:21 254:42 263:40 269:50 284:20 303:48 305:46 308:51 315:17 *150 *130 *133 *146 *144 *137 *138 *142 *143 *145 *152 *170 *164 *161 153 Roberts Andrew mp W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W SPLOT Cardiff
M35 8.030km 15C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F 1 112 Bromley Gardner Ch 80:33 2:18 7:55 14:03 15:50 21:51 40:02 43:10 48:45 52:14 63:21 68:10 73:24 78:05 79:20 80:03 80:33 SOC UK 2:18 5:37 6:08 1:47 6:01 18:11 3:08 5:35 3:29 11:07 4:49 5:14 4:41 1:15 0:43 0:30 2 107 Smith Martin 84:04 2:54 9:26 15:40 17:34 23:10 40:59 44:18 53:05 56:50 68:57 74:24 77:35 81:34 82:54 83:36 84:04 SYO Yorkshire 2:54 6:32 6:14 1:54 5:36 17:49 3:19 8:47 3:45 12:07 5:27 3:11 3:59 1:20 0:42 0:28 3 108 Moir Adrian 90:30 3:07 10:30 17:27 19:35 26:29 45:49 49:22 55:13 59:44 71:32 77:09 82:51 87:42 89:14 89:57 90:30 SWOC South Wales 3:07 7:23 6:57 2:08 6:54 19:20 3:33 5:51 4:31 11:48 5:37 5:42 4:51 1:32 0:43 0:33 4 103 Underhill Rodger 97:32 2:44 9:11 15:24 17:11 23:04 55:44 59:47 66:02 70:59 83:08 88:44 91:10 95:24 96:27 97:00 97:32 SPLOT Cardiff 2:44 6:27 6:13 1:47 5:53 32:40 4:03 6:15 4:57 12:09 5:36 2:26 4:14 1:03 0:33 0:32 5 98 Jarvis Paul 99:00 3:02 12:04 19:12 21:09 27:49 46:34 53:09 58:48 63:38 75:14 83:15 91:24 96:20 97:39 98:21 99:00 MDOC Manchester 3:02 9:02 7:08 1:57 6:40 18:45 6:35 5:39 4:50 11:36 8:01 8:09 4:56 1:19 0:42 0:39 6 109 Selley Mark 99:44 2:50 9:24 17:10 21:06 28:47 54:24 58:34 65:01 69:16 81:54 87:02 90:03 97:02 98:23 99:08 99:44 BOK Bristol 2:50 6:34 7:46 3:56 7:41 25:37 4:10 6:27 4:15 12:38 5:08 3:01 6:59 1:21 0:45 0:36 7 95 Geoghegan Marcus 99:50 2:51 9:39 15:51 17:53 24:32 49:17 53:14 60:41 65:54 79:27 87:25 90:52 97:14 98:42 99:22 99:50 AJAX Dublin 2:51 6:48 6:12 2:02 6:39 24:45 3:57 7:27 5:13 13:33 7:58 3:27 6:22 1:28 0:40 0:28 8 96 Searle Ian 100:45 3:10 10:08 16:49 19:23 26:47 48:58 53:28 60:34 66:41 80:08 86:58 92:20 97:51 99:25 100:10 100:45 Grampian UK 3:10 6:58 6:41 2:34 7:24 22:11 4:30 7:06 6:07 13:27 6:50 5:22 5:31 1:34 0:45 0:35 9 113 McBurney Brian 104:19 3:17 11:02 18:27 20:47 26:56 50:47 55:55 61:53 70:54 80:56 91:03 98:04 102:03 103:19 103:52 104:19 LVO N.I. 3:17 7:45 7:25 2:20 6:09 23:51 5:08 5:58 9:01 10:02 10:07 7:01 3:59 1:16 0:33 0:27 10 99 Weston Dave 106:15 3:00 9:44 16:01 18:36 25:56 54:41 58:30 65:51 70:51 82:50 92:31 99:37 104:00 105:08 105:46 106:15 Set Dublin 3:00 6:44 6:17 2:35 7:20 28:45 3:49 7:21 5:00 11:59 9:41 7:06 4:23 1:08 0:38 0:29 11 101 O'Sullivan Dermot 108:41 3:18 12:39 19:41 22:05 28:55 52:34 62:09 68:51 74:59 88:31 95:39 99:45 105:37 107:20 108:05 108:41 Cork O Cork 3:18 9:21 7:02 2:24 6:50 23:39 9:35 6:42 6:08 13:32 7:08 4:06 5:52 1:43 0:45 0:36 12 104 McCann Greg 116:52 3:42 11:29 19:49 22:47 31:43 65:20 69:11 76:14 81:22 95:09 103:18 108:45 114:08 115:32 116:16 116:52 LVO N.I. 3:42 7:47 8:20 2:58 8:56 33:37 3:51 7:03 5:08 13:47 8:09 5:27 5:23 1:24 0:44 0:36 13 111 Flavin Timmy 120:28 2:55 10:33 19:45 22:10 30:48 56:58 64:02 70:24 75:39 92:08 103:16 107:04 117:35 118:40 119:47 120:28 114:44 Kerry O Kerry 2:55 7:38 9:12 2:25 8:38 26:10 7:04 6:22 5:15 16:29 11:08 3:48 10:31 1:05 1:07 0:41 *184 14 102 Innes Duncan 123:09 4:06 11:49 19:04 21:28 34:44 63:37 69:24 79:24 84:13 98:29 104:55 108:15 120:11 121:38 122:30 123:09 SPLOT Cardiff 4:06 7:43 7:15 2:24 13:16 28:53 5:47 10:00 4:49 14:16 6:26 3:20 11:56 1:27 0:52 0:39 15 105 Cleary Ronan 125:01 3:14 12:04 20:32 23:04 32:00 61:22 66:44 76:28 82:57 103:29 111:30 115:21 121:52 123:31 124:25 125:01 3ROC Dublin 3:14 8:50 8:28 2:32 8:56 29:22 5:22 9:44 6:29 20:32 8:01 3:51 6:31 1:39 0:54 0:36 16 100 Bingham Stephen 151:15 3:46 12:23 21:15 23:35 37:13 67:43 72:46 80:58 86:27 101:44 118:33 131:59 143:34 149:31 150:23 151:15 SMOC South Midland 3:46 8:37 8:52 2:20 13:38 30:30 5:03 8:12 5:29 15:17 16:49 13:26 11:35 5:57 0:52 0:52 97 Halson Pete mp W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 147:31 21:33 26:25 32:45 48:46 SOC Southampton 147:31 *156 *150 *148 *102 55:56 66:33 69:54 73:57 80:36 90:18 112:46 123:06 132:12 136:55 141:08 146:51 *117 *114 *112 *110 *109 *108 *101 *120 *121 *167 *164 *161 106 Lawlor Anthony mp 4:35 13:46 25:21 W 43:10 77:38 81:59 90:07 94:58 110:09 117:44 121:51 137:26 141:17 142:13 142:54 CNOC Naas 4:35 9:11 11:35 17:49 34:28 4:21 8:08 4:51 15:11 7:35 4:07 15:35 3:51 0:56 0:41
M40 6.570km 17C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 F 1 135 Liukkonen Juha 70:52 1:50 6:48 17:31 19:41 24:09 28:59 31:39 36:02 38:12 44:16 48:13 49:10 55:04 61:47 68:03 69:22 70:18 70:52 Delta Finland 1:50 4:58 10:43 2:10 4:28 4:50 2:40 4:23 2:10 6:04 3:57 0:57 5:54 6:43 6:16 1:19 0:56 0:34 2 136 Pattinson Stan 81:37 4:42 9:18 22:26 24:28 29:11 37:34 40:03 43:57 46:03 53:31 56:57 58:51 64:11 73:19 79:01 80:28 81:09 81:37 MAROC Aberdeenshir 4:42 4:36 13:08 2:02 4:43 8:23 2:29 3:54 2:06 7:28 3:26 1:54 5:20 9:08 5:42 1:27 0:41 0:28 3 137 O'Boyle Senan 85:17 1:59 8:18 18:23 21:06 26:26 35:49 38:16 43:47 45:44 52:17 57:32 58:26 64:32 73:50 82:01 83:46 84:40 85:17 CNOC Naas 1:59 6:19 10:05 2:43 5:20 9:23 2:27 5:31 1:57 6:33 5:15 0:54 6:06 9:18 8:11 1:45 0:54 0:37 4 134 Broadhead John 89:44 1:58 8:05 18:50 21:24 28:36 37:44 40:49 46:36 48:32 56:27 61:56 63:03 70:22 80:33 86:48 88:25 89:09 89:44 WRE Wrekin 1:58 6:07 10:45 2:34 7:12 9:08 3:05 5:47 1:56 7:55 5:29 1:07 7:19 10:11 6:15 1:37 0:44 0:35 5 139 Saunders David 94:07 2:06 9:14 21:14 24:19 31:01 39:51 43:19 49:27 51:40 59:41 64:41 66:07 73:38 84:11 91:06 92:35 93:27 94:07 HH Hertfordshire 2:06 7:08 12:00 3:05 6:42 8:50 3:28 6:08 2:13 8:01 5:00 1:26 7:31 10:33 6:55 1:29 0:52 0:40 6 130 Spalinger Beat 102:03 2:28 9:16 23:41 26:14 31:45 40:15 43:39 55:29 58:01 66:04 72:07 75:00 82:36 92:14 99:09 100:40 101:29 102:03 OLG Switzerland 2:28 6:48 14:25 2:33 5:31 8:30 3:24 11:50 2:32 8:03 6:03 2:53 7:36 9:38 6:55 1:31 0:49 0:34 7 142 Harrison Chris 104:57 2:07 7:17 16:24 19:02 24:56 32:05 34:36 39:29 41:07 47:58 52:31 54:18 61:18 92:41 101:54 103:32 104:27 104:57 MOK Marlborough 2:07 5:10 9:07 2:38 5:54 7:09 2:31 4:53 1:38 6:51 4:33 1:47 7:00 31:23 9:13 1:38 0:55 0:30 8 140 Hoy Kelvin 105:03 2:40 9:37 21:49 24:45 33:47 41:02 44:48 53:00 56:03 64:09 70:33 72:05 80:27 91:31 101:29 103:29 104:22 105:03 3ROC Dublin 2:40 6:57 12:12 2:56 9:02 7:15 3:46 8:12 3:03 8:06 6:24 1:32 8:22 11:04 9:58 2:00 0:53 0:41 9 127 Jones Val 106:56 2:21 8:28 20:28 23:55 32:59 44:40 49:43 55:55 58:16 68:22 73:42 75:04 82:18 95:34 103:34 105:21 106:18 106:56 FIN Dublin 2:21 6:07 12:00 3:27 9:04 11:41 5:03 6:12 2:21 10:06 5:20 1:22 7:14 13:16 8:00 1:47 0:57 0:38 10 182 Fyffe Billy 107:01 2:42 8:15 18:31 20:50 35:30 50:16 52:43 58:55 60:58 68:20 76:20 77:14 83:52 96:41 104:02 105:42 106:30 107:01 FERMO N.I. 2:42 5:33 10:16 2:19 14:40 14:46 2:27 6:12 2:03 7:22 8:00 0:54 6:38 12:49 7:21 1:40 0:48 0:31 11 132 Oxenham David 115:39 2:44 10:52 25:09 28:25 36:17 44:16 48:19 56:40 59:36 70:24 78:11 79:19 88:27 99:43 111:29 113:42 115:03 115:39 SARUM Wiltshire 2:44 8:08 14:17 3:16 7:52 7:59 4:03 8:21 2:56 10:48 7:47 1:08 9:08 11:16 11:46 2:13 1:21 0:36 12 133 Jensen Rick 122:45 2:59 10:26 29:56 33:49 41:11 53:21 58:14 67:47 70:12 79:17 87:12 89:29 97:38 110:04 119:42 121:26 122:07 122:45 NEOC USA 2:59 7:27 19:30 3:53 7:22 12:10 4:53 9:33 2:25 9:05 7:55 2:17 8:09 12:26 9:38 1:44 0:41 0:38 13 128 Bray Mike 128:29 8:04 15:25 27:56 30:53 40:10 48:24 52:45 59:35 61:56 70:54 81:48 82:57 90:24 112:24 124:41 126:59 127:48 128:29 SN UK 8:04 7:21 12:31 2:57 9:17 8:14 4:21 6:50 2:21 8:58 10:54 1:09 7:27 22:00 12:17 2:18 0:49 0:41 14 131 Herbert Paddy 134:45 2:55 10:17 23:32 26:21 36:49 47:36 51:08 59:57 62:26 75:55 86:20 88:12 97:12 116:10 128:42 132:48 133:55 134:45 LVO N.I. 2:55 7:22 13:15 2:49 10:28 10:47 3:32 8:49 2:29 13:29 10:25 1:52 9:00 18:58 12:32 4:06 1:07 0:50
M45 6.470km 15C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F 1 191 Campbell Malcolm 66:38 2:53 10:29 16:00 17:42 23:06 27:57 30:40 35:09 36:52 44:39 46:32 52:49 59:23 65:27 66:11 66:38 WAROC UK 2:53 7:36 5:31 1:42 5:24 4:51 2:43 4:29 1:43 7:47 1:53 6:17 6:34 6:04 0:44 0:27 2 196 Johnson Paul 73:51 5:06 12:46 18:22 20:24 25:57 32:02 34:39 39:49 41:33 50:58 51:53 57:54 65:13 72:34 73:17 73:51 BOK Bristol 5:06 7:40 5:36 2:02 5:33 6:05 2:37 5:10 1:44 9:25 0:55 6:01 7:19 7:21 0:43 0:34 3 177 McCullough John 74:49 3:02 10:46 16:33 19:13 26:32 31:39 34:29 39:40 41:35 49:40 50:52 57:10 66:24 73:35 74:19 74:49 3ROC Dublin 3:02 7:44 5:47 2:40 7:19 5:07 2:50 5:11 1:55 8:05 1:12 6:18 9:14 7:11 0:44 0:30 4 206 Simpson Bill 75:16 2:53 11:07 17:14 19:37 25:30 32:44 35:33 40:39 42:33 51:31 53:02 59:05 66:47 73:59 74:49 75:16 LVO N.I. 2:53 8:14 6:07 2:23 5:53 7:14 2:49 5:06 1:54 8:58 1:31 6:03 7:42 7:12 0:50 0:27 5 187 Reidy Denis 75:52 2:29 9:21 14:30 16:31 20:55 26:30 28:57 41:27 42:55 51:20 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201 Orton John 84:00 2:57 12:14 18:12 20:17 29:09 36:39 39:26 44:53 46:47 55:56 58:23 64:36 75:34 82:45 83:26 84:00 MOK Marlborough 2:57 9:17 5:58 2:05 8:52 7:30 2:47 5:27 1:54 9:09 2:27 6:13 10:58 7:11 0:41 0:34 11 188 Rose David 86:44 3:26 11:59 18:30 20:51 28:45 34:29 37:19 44:16 46:33 58:40 59:29 65:47 77:53 85:29 86:08 86:44 PFO Pendle 3:26 8:33 6:31 2:21 7:54 5:44 2:50 6:57 2:17 12:07 0:49 6:18 12:06 7:36 0:39 0:36 12 184 Speak Eddie 89:48 3:36 12:42 20:36 22:49 28:16 35:06 38:14 42:52 45:09 54:17 55:14 62:17 81:31 88:43 89:21 89:48 MDOC Manchester 3:36 9:06 7:54 2:13 5:27 6:50 3:08 4:38 2:17 9:08 0:57 7:03 19:14 7:12 0:38 0:27 13 202 Hardy Steve 91:26 6:49 17:02 24:32 27:09 34:22 40:12 44:04 49:42 51:48 61:49 63:02 69:59 80:07 90:03 90:48 91:26 MDOC Manchester 6:49 10:13 7:30 2:37 7:13 5:50 3:52 5:38 2:06 10:01 1:13 6:57 10:08 9:56 0:45 0:38 14 190 Hardy Chris 92:08 3:52 14:30 22:19 25:34 31:43 37:43 40:18 46:01 48:05 60:33 61:59 69:26 80:26 90:38 91:29 92:08 AIRE Leeds 3:52 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28:01 34:14 42:27 46:36 53:30 56:00 68:09 70:01 77:52 92:54 101:45 102:33 103:12 BOK Bristol 3:51 11:22 10:15 2:33 6:13 8:13 4:09 6:54 2:30 12:09 1:52 7:51 15:02 8:51 0:48 0:39 20 525 Condon Tom 117:51 3:24 16:04 23:04 25:25 32:13 41:11 44:59 51:40 54:10 66:37 72:46 86:32 104:02 116:36 117:18 117:51 Vacant 3:24 12:40 7:00 2:21 6:48 8:58 3:48 6:41 2:30 12:27 6:09 13:46 17:30 12:34 0:42 0:33 21 199 Underwood Neil 123:18 4:15 19:32 30:29 33:59 42:55 52:10 56:01 66:26 69:08 83:11 85:09 95:00 108:26 121:05 122:27 123:18 SARUM Wiltshire 4:15 15:17 10:57 3:30 8:56 9:15 3:51 10:25 2:42 14:03 1:58 9:51 13:26 12:39 1:22 0:51 22 204 Spry Robert Bruce 141:08 7:25 20:24 29:32 34:04 43:36 56:13 65:34 76:52 79:52 92:59 94:41 104:26 126:15 138:54 140:05 141:08 BNN Australia 7:25 12:59 9:08 4:32 9:32 12:37 9:21 11:18 3:00 13:07 1:42 9:45 21:49 12:39 1:11 1:03 203 Foley-Fisher Nigel mp 6:04 19:08 29:10 34:10 45:46 60:15 65:44 77:51 81:19 98:15 100:38 111:13 W W 166:23 168:40 MNAV Galway 6:04 13:04 10:02 5:00 11:36 14:29 5:29 12:07 3:28 16:56 2:23 10:35 55:10 2:17 197 Schoepf Thomas mp 4:17 13:55 25:44 28:31 37:21 44:20 47:51 55:12 57:29 W W W W 89:39 90:30 91:13 Switzerland 4:17 9:38 11:49 2:47 8:50 6:59 3:31 7:21 2:17 32:10 0:51 0:43 193 Geary John mp 21:51 29:58 36:45 39:28 47:58 60:02 73:03 82:27 88:33 137:07 138:46 147:44 W W W 172:22 BVOC Cork 21:51 8:07 6:47 2:43 8:30 12:04 13:01 9:24 6:06 48:34 1:39 8:58 24:38 200 Swift Frank mp 7:24 19:20 27:39 34:11 42:59 58:06 62:55 72:24 77:36 108:50 111:12 121:02 W W 163:30 165:41 SOC Sligo 7:24 11:56 8:19 6:32 8:48 15:07 4:49 9:29 5:12 31:14 2:22 9:50 42:28 2:11
M50 5.820km 290m 17C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 F 1 218 Gorvett Peter 61:12 2:13 9:25 11:03 17:38 22:01 24:36 29:13 35:07 38:39 39:56 45:10 49:50 54:21 56:25 58:38 60:01 60:44 61:12 SYO Derbyshire 2:13 7:12 1:38 6:35 4:23 2:35 4:37 5:54 3:32 1:17 5:14 4:40 4:31 2:04 2:13 1:23 0:43 0:28 2 214 Seaman Guy 65:19 3:57 11:42 13:13 19:37 23:19 25:38 30:05 35:54 44:47 45:44 51:02 55:24 59:41 61:35 63:08 64:18 64:51 65:19 40:57 SYO Yorkshire 3:57 7:45 1:31 6:24 3:42 2:19 4:27 5:49 8:53 0:57 5:18 4:22 4:17 1:54 1:33 1:10 0:33 0:28 *213 3 222 May David 65:48 1:55 9:53 11:32 17:52 21:50 26:14 30:55 37:04 41:24 42:38 49:05 53:24 57:50 60:20 62:43 64:31 65:16 65:48 SLOW London 1:55 7:58 1:39 6:20 3:58 4:24 4:41 6:09 4:20 1:14 6:27 4:19 4:26 2:30 2:23 1:48 0:45 0:32 4 217 Wibye Harald 68:23 2:25 10:50 12:39 19:07 23:32 25:51 31:31 38:33 42:51 43:53 50:24 54:55 59:29 62:10 64:24 66:49 67:49 68:23 OKM Norway 2:25 8:25 1:49 6:28 4:25 2:19 5:40 7:02 4:18 1:02 6:31 4:31 4:34 2:41 2:14 2:25 1:00 0:34 5 228 Henderson Colin 68:40 2:15 9:47 12:43 18:40 22:59 27:20 33:12 39:15 47:54 48:35 54:10 58:44 63:02 64:56 66:29 67:38 68:12 68:40 44:22 LVO N.I. 2:15 7:32 2:56 5:57 4:19 4:21 5:52 6:03 8:39 0:41 5:35 4:34 4:18 1:54 1:33 1:09 0:34 0:28 *213 6 211 Palmer David 69:09 2:53 11:03 12:44 19:12 23:48 27:43 32:38 38:54 42:47 44:35 50:53 55:15 60:03 62:29 65:10 67:44 68:39 69:09 BOK Bristol 2:53 8:10 1:41 6:28 4:36 3:55 4:55 6:16 3:53 1:48 6:18 4:22 4:48 2:26 2:41 2:34 0:55 0:30 7 220 Haywood Phil 85:05 2:13 11:08 14:29 21:49 28:42 32:38 37:48 44:16 48:52 50:59 58:17 64:35 70:35 78:29 81:28 83:32 84:30 85:05 SYO Yorkshire 2:13 8:55 3:21 7:20 6:53 3:56 5:10 6:28 4:36 2:07 7:18 6:18 6:00 7:54 2:59 2:04 0:58 0:35 8 221 McGrath Brendan 86:39 2:30 11:34 13:36 20:42 26:02 28:34 35:33 50:12 55:17 56:52 63:19 70:13 77:10 80:10 83:39 85:21 86:06 86:39 3ROC Dublin 2:30 9:04 2:02 7:06 5:20 2:32 6:59 14:39 5:05 1:35 6:27 6:54 6:57 3:00 3:29 1:42 0:45 0:33 9 229 Knight John 101:24 2:31 11:57 14:20 22:57 28:53 31:19 38:21 46:49 55:47 57:05 64:55 73:05 85:32 95:23 97:36 99:46 100:45 101:24 MOK Marlborough 2:31 9:26 2:23 8:37 5:56 2:26 7:02 8:28 8:58 1:18 7:50 8:10 12:27 9:51 2:13 2:10 0:59 0:39 10 216 Niland Ed. 103:05 1:56 15:03 18:40 26:09 31:20 33:53 41:25 49:26 63:10 66:09 73:11 78:58 88:05 97:46 100:00 101:39 102:31 103:05 ASKOC Israel 1:56 13:07 3:37 7:29 5:11 2:33 7:32 8:01 13:44 2:59 7:02 5:47 9:07 9:41 2:14 1:39 0:52 0:34 11 215 Hopkins William 105:53 2:53 13:48 17:14 24:53 30:18 32:54 43:42 54:27 61:09 64:35 71:58 79:05 95:52 99:42 102:14 104:09 105:12 105:53 LVO N.I. 2:53 10:55 3:26 7:39 5:25 2:36 10:48 10:45 6:42 3:26 7:23 7:07 16:47 3:50 2:32 1:55 1:03 0:41 12 227 Mackenzie Alan 121:26 2:49 14:05 16:34 25:17 32:23 35:33 43:03 52:17 66:41 68:24 82:17 94:46 103:23 112:06 115:52 119:24 120:28 121:26 64:49 SWOC Wales 2:49 11:16 2:29 8:43 7:06 3:10 7:30 9:14 14:24 1:43 13:53 12:29 8:37 8:43 3:46 3:32 1:04 0:58 *213 13 233 Wing Alexander 155:02 3:45 16:59 19:58 30:05 53:51 62:23 71:10 82:00 94:54 96:53 110:44 124:05 137:43 144:20 149:23 152:22 153:52 155:02 HOC UK 3:45 13:14 2:59 10:07 23:46 8:32 8:47 10:50 12:54 1:59 13:51 13:21 13:38 6:37 5:03 2:59 1:30 1:10 213 Bell Chris mp 3:51 21:15 25:05 39:36 50:59 64:01 75:50 92:44 110:09 113:16 128:04 146:05 W W W W W 176:05 3ROC Dublin 3:51 17:24 3:50 14:31 11:23 13:02 11:49 16:54 17:25 3:07 14:48 18:01 30:00 234 O Suilleabhain Eog mp W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 268:34 168:39 175:12 3ROC Dublin 268:34 *158 *156 187:18 199:55 204:25 211:23 216:38 226:35 229:13 237:13 240:08 245:31 258:51 260:46 262:56 267:45 *150 *130 *133 *146 *144 *137 *138 *142 *143 *145 *152 *170 *164 *161
M55 5.020km 15C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F 1 303 McCourt Richard 66:26 2:47 12:09 15:31 23:26 28:39 31:49 38:16 40:45 45:13 52:04 57:21 60:20 62:53 64:34 65:49 66:26 LVO N.I. 2:47 9:22 3:22 7:55 5:13 3:10 6:27 2:29 4:28 6:51 5:17 2:59 2:33 1:41 1:15 0:37 2 326 C-Crawford Nigel 67:11 1:55 10:23 13:27 19:59 34:09 36:57 43:51 46:13 49:01 53:05 57:49 60:45 63:30 66:05 66:42 67:11 3ROC Dublin 1:55 8:28 3:04 6:32 14:10 2:48 6:54 2:22 2:48 4:04 4:44 2:56 2:45 2:35 0:37 0:29 3 306 Gartside Alan 68:45 2:20 13:13 20:18 28:06 33:13 36:39 43:57 46:13 49:48 54:59 60:11 62:57 65:10 67:07 68:02 68:45 LVO N.I. 2:20 10:53 7:05 7:48 5:07 3:26 7:18 2:16 3:35 5:11 5:12 2:46 2:13 1:57 0:55 0:43 4 308 Wilson Ernie 68:49 2:06 10:45 13:47 20:56 34:27 37:05 44:16 46:32 49:29 53:58 60:03 63:14 65:49 67:30 68:18 68:49 LVO N.I. 2:06 8:39 3:02 7:09 13:31 2:38 7:11 2:16 2:57 4:29 6:05 3:11 2:35 1:41 0:48 0:31 5 518 Shaw Brian 69:10 1:54 10:01 12:56 20:00 25:13 28:47 34:54 37:01 39:40 44:25 50:16 63:06 65:27 67:48 68:34 69:10 SYO Yorkshire 1:54 8:07 2:55 7:04 5:13 3:34 6:07 2:07 2:39 4:45 5:51 12:50 2:21 2:21 0:46 0:36 6 318 Burge Steve 73:23 2:21 11:16 14:41 22:26 37:15 40:24 47:45 50:09 54:28 59:38 64:53 67:45 70:01 71:57 72:54 73:23 LOC Lakelands 2:21 8:55 3:25 7:45 14:49 3:09 7:21 2:24 4:19 5:10 5:15 2:52 2:16 1:56 0:57 0:29 7 305 White Harold 80:13 2:19 12:42 15:44 22:57 29:57 39:04 47:22 49:57 55:02 62:17 69:10 72:11 76:38 78:38 79:31 80:13 3ROC Dublin 2:19 10:23 3:02 7:13 7:00 9:07 8:18 2:35 5:05 7:15 6:53 3:01 4:27 2:00 0:53 0:42 8 313 Marsden Keith 81:18 2:26 14:49 18:54 26:19 32:07 35:37 43:07 55:59 59:45 65:54 71:29 74:56 77:20 79:38 80:30 81:18 HH Hertfordshire 2:26 12:23 4:05 7:25 5:48 3:30 7:30 12:52 3:46 6:09 5:35 3:27 2:24 2:18 0:52 0:48 9 314 Odell Brian 82:22 2:44 12:56 19:43 27:28 32:46 36:07 43:46 47:03 51:23 59:24 69:34 75:02 79:02 80:59 81:47 82:22 EBOR York 2:44 10:12 6:47 7:45 5:18 3:21 7:39 3:17 4:20 8:01 10:10 5:28 4:00 1:57 0:48 0:35 10 513 Hardie Hally 83:54 2:38 13:24 17:42 26:28 35:43 39:35 48:03 50:41 54:41 64:20 73:57 76:51 80:53 82:27 83:19 83:54 WAOC Cambs. 2:38 10:46 4:18 8:46 9:15 3:52 8:28 2:38 4:00 9:39 9:37 2:54 4:02 1:34 0:52 0:35 11 321 McGrath Ted 84:21 2:54 13:54 17:05 25:35 32:17 35:41 43:24 54:07 58:31 65:14 73:04 76:29 80:06 82:46 83:40 84:21 3ROC Dublin 2:54 11:00 3:11 8:30 6:42 3:24 7:43 10:43 4:24 6:43 7:50 3:25 3:37 2:40 0:54 0:41 12 312 Gould Noel 84:43 2:37 12:42 16:28 24:02 30:09 33:21 41:41 51:08 54:46 65:11 71:25 77:25 82:00 83:29 84:12 84:43 Devon Devon 2:37 10:05 3:46 7:34 6:07 3:12 8:20 9:27 3:38 10:25 6:14 6:00 4:35 1:29 0:43 0:31 13 304 Henderson Keith 85:49 2:09 10:50 14:37 22:10 26:56 30:14 36:50 43:58 47:38 69:42 76:12 79:15 82:58 84:34 85:15 85:49 WIM Wimborne 2:09 8:41 3:47 7:33 4:46 3:18 6:36 7:08 3:40 22:04 6:30 3:03 3:43 1:36 0:41 0:34 14 316 Doherty Brendan 86:44 2:09 11:21 14:10 21:25 36:54 40:47 49:04 52:31 56:50 66:01 73:20 78:00 82:22 84:57 85:58 86:44 GEN Dublin 2:09 9:12 2:49 7:15 15:29 3:53 8:17 3:27 4:19 9:11 7:19 4:40 4:22 2:35 1:01 0:46 15 320 Jacobsen Bent 86:56 2:38 12:50 23:32 31:14 36:24 39:47 48:10 57:11 61:03 67:55 73:32 79:23 83:06 85:16 86:13 86:56 OO Odense 2:38 10:12 10:42 7:42 5:10 3:23 8:23 9:01 3:52 6:52 5:37 5:51 3:43 2:10 0:57 0:43 16 307 Vince Arthur 88:23 2:28 12:22 17:05 27:06 34:09 37:28 45:15 58:30 62:44 70:24 76:46 80:07 84:52 86:48 87:43 88:23 QO England 2:28 9:54 4:43 10:01 7:03 3:19 7:47 13:15 4:14 7:40 6:22 3:21 4:45 1:56 0:55 0:40 17 517 Goddard Alan 92:52 2:40 12:33 16:36 24:40 30:00 33:25 40:31 43:08 61:07 67:05 72:57 82:11 86:29 91:09 92:07 92:52 SYO Yorkshire 2:40 9:53 4:03 8:04 5:20 3:25 7:06 2:37 17:59 5:58 5:52 9:14 4:18 4:40 0:58 0:45 18 317 Nielsen Palle Moll 102:42 2:46 14:58 23:45 32:54 39:52 44:27 54:43 60:48 65:48 73:15 89:45 94:13 97:58 100:52 102:06 102:42 OO Odense 2:46 12:12 8:47 9:09 6:58 4:35 10:16 6:05 5:00 7:27 16:30 4:28 3:45 2:54 1:14 0:36
M60 4.450km 215m 11C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 F 1 346 Heardman Jim 51:26 2:21 8:19 12:25 20:05 22:41 27:44 34:24 37:45 45:06 50:05 50:51 51:26 ESOC Edinburgh 2:21 5:58 4:06 7:40 2:36 5:03 6:40 3:21 7:21 4:59 0:46 0:35 2 337 Boyt Arthur 51:39 2:01 7:20 11:49 17:45 20:20 25:38 33:51 37:00 44:00 49:04 51:13 51:39 Devon Devon 2:01 5:19 4:29 5:56 2:35 5:18 8:13 3:09 7:00 5:04 2:09 0:26 3 331 Vigar Bill 52:40 2:17 7:51 12:22 17:54 20:21 25:52 32:56 36:47 45:14 51:15 52:05 52:40 QO UK 2:17 5:34 4:31 5:32 2:27 5:31 7:04 3:51 8:27 6:01 0:50 0:35 4 343 Tettamanti Fausto 53:53 2:00 7:15 14:11 20:37 24:11 29:36 36:20 40:24 47:30 52:17 53:17 53:53 UTOE Switzerland 2:00 5:15 6:56 6:26 3:34 5:25 6:44 4:04 7:06 4:47 1:00 0:36 5 328 Mason Jeff 57:25 2:30 9:00 14:23 20:50 23:21 29:21 37:31 40:52 50:03 55:57 56:52 57:25 AIRE Leeds 2:30 6:30 5:23 6:27 2:31 6:00 8:10 3:21 9:11 5:54 0:55 0:33 6 330 Martindale Frank 61:07 2:32 8:51 13:33 21:55 24:13 32:31 39:32 43:04 52:45 59:42 60:30 61:07 3ROC Dublin 2:32 6:19 4:42 8:22 2:18 8:18 7:01 3:32 9:41 6:57 0:48 0:37 7 329 Kerr Alex 62:00 2:30 8:52 16:08 22:25 24:56 30:45 38:41 42:21 52:08 60:26 61:19 62:00 GVOC Vancouver 2:30 6:22 7:16 6:17 2:31 5:49 7:56 3:40 9:47 8:18 0:53 0:41 8 349 Birkinshaw Ian 62:11 2:18 8:55 15:02 23:24 26:34 32:37 40:11 44:09 53:22 60:48 61:38 62:11 MDOC Manchester 2:18 6:37 6:07 8:22 3:10 6:03 7:34 3:58 9:13 7:26 0:50 0:33 9 353 Hardy Mike 64:37 2:43 9:10 14:18 21:11 24:01 33:11 40:57 44:32 54:04 62:41 63:57 64:37 CLOK Cleveland 2:43 6:27 5:08 6:53 2:50 9:10 7:46 3:35 9:32 8:37 1:16 0:40 10 356 Spence John 68:21 3:08 11:56 18:04 25:36 28:05 33:40 42:42 47:22 57:43 66:50 67:49 68:21 TVOC UK 3:08 8:48 6:08 7:32 2:29 5:35 9:02 4:40 10:21 9:07 0:59 0:32 11 327 Keller Martin 78:50 3:08 10:46 16:42 24:42 28:02 35:57 45:46 50:07 62:19 76:57 78:02 78:50 BERN Switzerland 3:08 7:38 5:56 8:00 3:20 7:55 9:49 4:21 12:12 14:38 1:05 0:48 12 333 McCann Freddie 81:00 3:41 10:50 17:17 24:56 28:30 40:00 53:26 56:52 68:32 79:31 80:23 81:00 LVO N.I. 3:41 7:09 6:27 7:39 3:34 11:30 13:26 3:26 11:40 10:59 0:52 0:37 13 340 Devlin Peter 82:04 2:52 10:52 19:37 31:39 34:28 44:47 53:37 57:48 69:28 80:14 81:24 82:04 LVO N.I. 2:52 8:00 8:45 12:02 2:49 10:19 8:50 4:11 11:40 10:46 1:10 0:40 14 345 Hollinstein Martin 82:57 2:49 14:34 21:25 30:27 34:03 42:19 51:22 55:33 70:44 81:13 82:22 82:57 3ROC Dublin 2:49 11:45 6:51 9:02 3:36 8:16 9:03 4:11 15:11 10:29 1:09 0:35 15 352 Bogle Noel 86:14 2:53 10:48 24:19 32:47 36:27 45:27 55:22 59:34 73:15 84:28 85:27 86:14 NWOC N.I. 2:53 7:55 13:31 8:28 3:40 9:00 9:55 4:12 13:41 11:13 0:59 0:47 16 335 Broadhead Phillip 88:08 3:00 12:51 19:25 28:17 37:25 46:12 58:48 63:27 76:55 86:14 87:19 88:08 LEI Leicestershire 3:00 9:51 6:34 8:52 9:08 8:47 12:36 4:39 13:28 9:19 1:05 0:49 17 354 Pay Patrick 100:18 16:49 24:28 30:31 38:59 42:50 51:33 67:47 73:51 89:22 98:25 99:29 100:18 WRE Wrekin 16:49 7:39 6:03 8:28 3:51 8:43 16:14 6:04 15:31 9:03 1:04 0:49 18 350 Dooley Michael 103:00 4:04 13:42 26:02 36:59 41:53 52:32 66:55 72:54 89:02 100:42 102:01 103:00 CNOC Naas 4:04 9:38 12:20 10:57 4:54 10:39 14:23 5:59 16:08 11:40 1:19 0:59 334 Regan William mp W W W W W W W W W W W 113:37 5:48 8:55 38:56 42:32 64:47 72:24 77:21 85:12 FERMO N.I. 113:37 *158 *156 *229 *149 *147 *144 *136 *145 100:51 102:52 105:28 107:28 112:40 *152 *170 *164 *163 *161 338 Hollinshead Brian mp 3:47 13:11 W W W W W W W 64:09 65:03 65:48 3ROC Dublin 3:47 9:24 50:58 0:54 0:45 339 Coddington Alan mp 3:29 12:58 23:58 35:42 41:03 55:07 W W 75:04 90:13 91:08 92:05 NOR Norwich 3:29 9:29 11:00 11:44 5:21 14:04 19:57 15:09 0:55 0:57 348 Bonar Law Andrew mp W W W W W W W W W W W 324:31 240:07 245:02 255:55 259:58 269:38 279:11 286:24 294:17 GEN Dublin 324:31 *158 *156 *229 *149 *147 *144 *136 *145 312:27 314:13 316:59 319:44 323:41 *152 *170 *164 *163 *161
W10 2.000km 12C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 F 1 486 Jones Helena 57:15 4:13 7:36 14:40 20:23 22:56 28:12 29:49 42:06 45:53 48:24 54:11 55:59 57:15 FIN Dublin 4:13 3:23 7:04 5:43 2:33 5:16 1:37 12:17 3:47 2:31 5:47 1:48 1:16 2 488 Jones Erika 111:22 54:33 58:29 65:16 70:38 73:32 79:04 81:12 93:30 99:24 102:45 107:23 109:45 111:22 FIN Dublin 54:33 3:56 6:47 5:22 2:54 5:32 2:08 12:18 5:54 3:21 4:38 2:22 1:37
W12 2.000km 12C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 F 1 489 Spalinger Lena 22:22 1:17 3:16 6:10 8:02 9:24 11:33 12:48 14:36 17:27 18:39 20:37 21:46 22:22 OLG Switzerland 1:17 1:59 2:54 1:52 1:22 2:09 1:15 1:48 2:51 1:12 1:58 1:09 0:36 2 490 Duley Eleanor 25:20 1:32 3:29 6:24 8:35 9:59 12:11 13:32 15:02 17:50 19:06 23:27 24:43 25:20 GO Guildford 1:32 1:57 2:55 2:11 1:24 2:12 1:21 1:30 2:48 1:16 4:21 1:16 0:37 3 491 Foley-Fisher Erinn 31:19 2:10 4:50 9:07 11:27 14:00 17:05 18:32 20:35 24:41 26:09 29:05 30:31 31:19 MNAV Galway 2:10 2:40 4:17 2:20 2:33 3:05 1:27 2:03 4:06 1:28 2:56 1:26 0:48
W14 3.350km 15C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F 1 453 Stevenson Zara 54:29 3:23 6:09 8:11 10:21 12:21 18:21 21:06 23:15 33:35 36:03 43:27 46:44 47:58 53:04 53:57 54:29 NWOC N.I. 3:23 2:46 2:02 2:10 2:00 6:00 2:45 2:09 10:20 2:28 7:24 3:17 1:14 5:06 0:53 0:32
W16 3.980km 16C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 F 1 450 O'Boyle Niamh 47:21 2:40 4:56 6:31 9:18 16:11 19:14 21:23 23:11 27:17 30:58 32:53 38:00 40:58 43:32 45:27 46:47 47:21 CNOC Naas 2:40 2:16 1:35 2:47 6:53 3:03 2:09 1:48 4:06 3:41 1:55 5:07 2:58 2:34 1:55 1:20 0:34 2 449 Gibson Kelly 56:14 2:56 6:09 7:49 10:42 15:40 18:43 20:47 24:51 29:12 33:02 35:52 42:43 49:49 52:42 54:26 55:37 56:14 FERMO N.I. 2:56 3:13 1:40 2:53 4:58 3:03 2:04 4:04 4:21 3:50 2:50 6:51 7:06 2:53 1:44 1:11 0:37 3 448 Nowlan Sheila 98:19 3:58 8:08 10:18 15:33 44:37 50:09 52:56 56:33 61:20 68:04 71:14 82:55 87:58 93:07 96:15 97:30 98:19 3ROC Dublin 3:58 4:10 2:10 5:15 29:04 5:32 2:47 3:37 4:47 6:44 3:10 11:41 5:03 5:09 3:08 1:15 0:49
W18 5.170km 15C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F 1 423 Dennehy Caroline 92:03 5:35 14:22 32:58 36:17 41:42 49:38 57:04 60:53 72:45 74:26 76:42 86:57 89:33 90:49 91:32 92:03 BOC Cork 5:35 8:47 18:36 3:19 5:25 7:56 7:26 3:49 11:52 1:41 2:16 10:15 2:36 1:16 0:43 0:31 2 428 Jensen Kate 103:41 6:44 18:01 31:56 36:02 43:00 54:08 58:50 67:10 77:07 80:07 85:45 94:36 100:21 102:14 103:01 103:41 NEOC USA 6:44 11:17 13:55 4:06 6:58 11:08 4:42 8:20 9:57 3:00 5:38 8:51 5:45 1:53 0:47 0:40 3 429 Forrest Jane 110:00 3:34 16:44 28:42 32:45 38:39 48:11 57:24 62:57 68:59 71:53 83:21 102:03 105:59 108:42 109:24 110:00 BOK Bristol 3:34 13:10 11:58 4:03 5:54 9:32 9:13 5:33 6:02 2:54 11:28 18:42 3:56 2:43 0:42 0:36 427 Geary Collette mp 4:57 19:35 W W W W W W W W W W W W W 85:45 BVOC Cork 4:57 14:38 66:10
W20 5.220km 16C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 F 1 238 Austin Fionne 97:00 3:57 10:39 18:02 27:51 31:46 36:04 38:00 53:32 63:20 67:48 72:55 79:14 87:22 90:39 95:47 96:32 97:00 Cork O Cork 3:57 6:42 7:23 9:49 3:55 4:18 1:56 15:32 9:48 4:28 5:07 6:19 8:08 3:17 5:08 0:45 0:28
W21E 6.570km 17C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 F 1 41 Creagh Una 69:56 1:44 6:18 14:57 17:21 22:53 28:14 30:42 35:19 36:58 44:13 48:39 49:31 54:45 62:27 67:33 68:49 69:29 69:56 3ROC Dublin 1:44 4:34 8:39 2:24 5:32 5:21 2:28 4:37 1:39 7:15 4:26 0:52 5:14 7:42 5:06 1:16 0:40 0:27 2 37 Austin Aislinn 74:50 4:44 10:36 20:26 22:43 28:43 34:00 36:33 41:42 43:31 50:18 54:02 54:51 60:23 67:25 72:32 73:45 74:23 74:50 Cork O Cork 4:44 5:52 9:50 2:17 6:00 5:17 2:33 5:09 1:49 6:47 3:44 0:49 5:32 7:02 5:07 1:13 0:38 0:27 3 43 Staudte Karen 75:59 2:02 7:15 16:11 18:27 23:22 29:48 32:41 37:51 39:42 46:06 50:59 52:15 59:44 67:02 73:24 74:38 75:25 75:59 Aus Australia 2:02 5:13 8:56 2:16 4:55 6:26 2:53 5:10 1:51 6:24 4:53 1:16 7:29 7:18 6:22 1:14 0:47 0:34 4 35 Somers-Cocks Charl 77:16 1:57 10:32 18:54 20:49 25:29 32:12 35:31 40:07 41:50 48:47 52:43 53:53 59:32 68:30 74:53 76:08 76:47 77:16 LOC Lakelands 1:57 8:35 8:22 1:55 4:40 6:43 3:19 4:36 1:43 6:57 3:56 1:10 5:39 8:58 6:23 1:15 0:39 0:29 5 55 O'Donovan Toni 77:36 1:45 6:56 17:12 19:05 23:33 28:35 31:54 38:31 40:39 49:00 52:39 53:59 59:44 66:28 74:42 76:22 77:06 77:36 Cork O Cork 1:45 5:11 10:16 1:53 4:28 5:02 3:19 6:37 2:08 8:21 3:39 1:20 5:45 6:44 8:14 1:40 0:44 0:30 6 39 Pattinson Sarah 83:21 1:51 7:43 17:20 19:36 31:15 38:39 41:25 46:34 48:53 55:08 58:47 59:39 65:34 73:47 80:56 82:14 82:52 83:21 26:47 MAROC Aberdeenshir 1:51 5:52 9:37 2:16 11:39 7:24 2:46 5:09 2:19 6:15 3:39 0:52 5:55 8:13 7:09 1:18 0:38 0:29 *189 7 42 Ashton Christine 85:14 2:01 8:34 18:23 21:03 28:39 35:06 39:02 44:04 45:48 52:55 58:54 59:58 65:37 74:48 82:00 83:46 84:36 85:14 OUOC Oxford 2:01 6:33 9:49 2:40 7:36 6:27 3:56 5:02 1:44 7:07 5:59 1:04 5:39 9:11 7:12 1:46 0:50 0:38 8 40 Higgins Nuala 85:35 2:01 7:37 17:05 20:54 26:26 33:39 36:22 41:29 43:13 49:15 59:11 61:57 67:41 75:52 83:08 84:23 85:03 85:35 AJAX Dublin 2:01 5:36 9:28 3:49 5:32 7:13 2:43 5:07 1:44 6:02 9:56 2:46 5:44 8:11 7:16 1:15 0:40 0:32 9 52 Palmer Helen 86:22 2:05 8:01 17:16 19:41 28:43 36:48 39:42 44:35 47:50 54:25 60:02 63:09 68:56 77:00 84:03 85:13 85:50 86:22 NOC Nottingham 2:05 5:56 9:15 2:25 9:02 8:05 2:54 4:53 3:15 6:35 5:37 3:07 5:47 8:04 7:03 1:10 0:37 0:32 10 47 Loughman Eileen 87:02 2:05 7:53 18:15 20:45 26:35 33:19 36:12 43:56 45:49 53:12 58:55 60:06 66:31 75:09 84:09 85:36 86:27 87:02 CNOC Naas 2:05 5:48 10:22 2:30 5:50 6:44 2:53 7:44 1:53 7:23 5:43 1:11 6:25 8:38 9:00 1:27 0:51 0:35 11 44 Lynam Ruth 96:05 2:14 8:26 18:54 21:57 28:19 33:52 37:00 42:49 44:56 52:30 56:51 58:02 65:09 85:49 92:26 94:27 95:33 96:05 CNOC Naas 2:14 6:12 10:28 3:03 6:22 5:33 3:08 5:49 2:07 7:34 4:21 1:11 7:07 20:40 6:37 2:01 1:06 0:32 12 36 Shultz Jane 105:36 2:14 8:17 18:14 20:56 27:46 34:41 37:36 44:03 46:26 55:03 62:51 63:50 70:24 94:30 102:42 104:16 105:02 105:36 LVO N.I. 2:14 6:03 9:57 2:42 6:50 6:55 2:55 6:27 2:23 8:37 7:48 0:59 6:34 24:06 8:12 1:34 0:46 0:34 13 51 Forrest Ruth 111:03 2:07 9:04 21:37 24:04 30:58 40:46 44:52 52:59 59:59 69:45 78:57 80:05 86:55 99:23 107:56 109:42 110:27 111:03 BOK Bristol 2:07 6:57 12:33 2:27 6:54 9:48 4:06 8:07 7:00 9:46 9:12 1:08 6:50 12:28 8:33 1:46 0:45 0:36 56 Mein Joanne mp W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 232:02 54:02 58:26 EUOC Edinburgh 232:02 *157 *151 67:51 77:08 86:06 139:32 147:19 155:19 163:47 169:52 182:27 191:41 *149 *146 *144 *102 *117 *113 *114 *115 *116 *119 54 Cleary Julie mp W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 105:18 6:49 11:25 3ROC Dublin 105:18 *157 *151 15:47 25:03 28:58 42:00 47:35 53:18 56:13 60:56 70:58 77:53 86:48 93:45 98:46 100:22 104:26 *149 *146 *144 *102 *117 *113 *114 *115 *116 *119 *121 *167 *164 *163 *161 46 Spillar Michelle mp 2:00 11:12 21:47 24:13 32:05 41:12 45:07 53:56 W W W W W W W W 81:50 82:45 WIM Wimborne 2:00 9:12 10:35 2:26 7:52 9:07 3:55 8:49 27:54 0:55 53 Grob Brigitte mp 1:50 6:44 28:33 31:16 36:20 46:05 48:52 54:02 55:44 61:53 66:16 67:42 73:12 W 85:20 87:30 88:24 89:04 Switzerland 1:50 4:54 21:49 2:43 5:04 9:45 2:47 5:10 1:42 6:09 4:23 1:26 5:30 12:08 2:10 0:54 0:40 45 Glanville Emma mp 2:07 8:52 20:59 24:01 W W W W W W W W W W W W W 44:43 41:46 45:44 3ROC Dublin 2:07 6:45 12:07 3:02 20:42 *157 *151 51:02 63:24 68:32 81:01 85:43 91:19 93:42 97:47 106:38 113:07 121:53 127:08 133:07 134:27 135:57 138:00 *149 *146 *144 *102 *117 *113 *114 *115 *116 *119 *121 *167 *164 *163 *162 *161
W21L 5.220km 16C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 F 1 252 Basire Susan 60:36 3:24 7:22 11:52 18:42 21:45 24:46 25:46 31:04 38:07 40:16 43:13 48:00 52:58 55:13 59:16 60:07 60:36 SYO Yorkshire 3:24 3:58 4:30 6:50 3:03 3:01 1:00 5:18 7:03 2:09 2:57 4:47 4:58 2:15 4:03 0:51 0:29 2 246 Schoop Anatina 66:25 3:17 8:03 11:58 18:27 20:49 30:52 31:52 37:02 43:41 45:46 48:49 53:16 58:25 60:33 65:05 65:47 66:25 26:39 OLVZ Switzerland 3:17 4:46 3:55 6:29 2:22 10:03 1:00 5:10 6:39 2:05 3:03 4:27 5:09 2:08 4:32 0:42 0:38 *189 3 245 Davison Natasha 66:38 3:25 8:17 12:46 20:10 22:59 26:15 27:40 33:33 41:08 44:23 47:59 53:24 58:48 60:59 65:16 66:00 66:38 SYO Yorkshire 3:25 4:52 4:29 7:24 2:49 3:16 1:25 5:53 7:35 3:15 3:36 5:25 5:24 2:11 4:17 0:44 0:38 4 250 O'Brien Fiona 76:45 3:50 10:51 16:28 28:13 30:55 34:25 35:33 41:53 48:58 51:42 54:51 60:44 66:16 69:48 75:19 76:11 76:45 AJAX Dublin 3:50 7:01 5:37 11:45 2:42 3:30 1:08 6:20 7:05 2:44 3:09 5:53 5:32 3:32 5:31 0:52 0:34 5 249 King Susannah 77:11 3:30 8:21 14:30 21:31 24:02 27:25 28:44 35:27 42:51 47:14 50:21 56:18 66:21 69:07 75:06 76:16 77:11 Aus Australia 3:30 4:51 6:09 7:01 2:31 3:23 1:19 6:43 7:24 4:23 3:07 5:57 10:03 2:46 5:59 1:10 0:55 6 242 Cordner Violet 78:04 4:04 9:47 15:23 22:37 25:04 28:05 29:28 35:15 43:01 47:10 53:01 60:42 66:55 70:28 76:40 77:30 78:04 LVO N.I. 4:04 5:43 5:36 7:14 2:27 3:01 1:23 5:47 7:46 4:09 5:51 7:41 6:13 3:33 6:12 0:50 0:34 7 243 Feehan Miriam 78:59 3:50 9:05 14:08 20:57 23:24 27:24 29:46 36:45 43:20 57:11 60:00 66:13 71:06 73:39 77:39 78:22 78:59 BVOC Cork 3:50 5:15 5:03 6:49 2:27 4:00 2:22 6:59 6:35 13:51 2:49 6:13 4:53 2:33 4:00 0:43 0:37 8 251 Pinker Faye 79:30 3:38 8:50 19:03 26:22 29:17 34:10 35:42 44:11 54:12 56:41 59:49 65:18 70:56 73:31 78:08 78:54 79:30 Cork O Cork 3:38 5:12 10:13 7:19 2:55 4:53 1:32 8:29 10:01 2:29 3:08 5:29 5:38 2:35 4:37 0:46 0:36 9 248 Higgins Brid 80:50 3:33 8:20 15:55 24:01 28:20 31:41 33:08 39:29 45:54 54:37 57:48 63:32 71:59 74:16 79:35 80:20 80:50 LOK London 3:33 4:47 7:35 8:06 4:19 3:21 1:27 6:21 6:25 8:43 3:11 5:44 8:27 2:17 5:19 0:45 0:30 10 241 Lawlor Bridget 96:25 4:12 11:18 23:37 33:42 38:45 42:47 45:09 52:30 61:03 65:47 69:38 77:29 84:21 88:08 94:42 95:41 96:25 CNOC Naas 4:12 7:06 12:19 10:05 5:03 4:02 2:22 7:21 8:33 4:44 3:51 7:51 6:52 3:47 6:34 0:59 0:44 11 254 Philips Nina 105:07 6:55 12:25 18:44 26:50 38:30 43:07 44:23 53:09 63:03 66:59 72:04 80:11 89:50 96:29 103:03 104:15 105:07 3ROC Dublin 6:55 5:30 6:19 8:06 11:40 4:37 1:16 8:46 9:54 3:56 5:05 8:07 9:39 6:39 6:34 1:12 0:52 12 244 Hill Catherine 111:23 8:47 23:23 30:14 39:59 44:43 49:46 51:28 60:15 68:35 74:12 78:44 87:58 96:40 103:10 109:42 110:48 111:23 DEE Cheshire 8:47 14:36 6:51 9:45 4:44 5:03 1:42 8:47 8:20 5:37 4:32 9:14 8:42 6:30 6:32 1:06 0:35
W21N 3.350km 15C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F 1 482 Aulin Cecilia 55:26 4:43 7:46 9:31 11:59 13:58 19:08 21:37 24:29 39:02 41:42 47:02 50:25 51:31 53:34 54:44 55:26 SSK Sweden 4:43 3:03 1:45 2:28 1:59 5:10 2:29 2:52 14:33 2:40 5:20 3:23 1:06 2:03 1:10 0:42 2 277 Kairamo Kristiina 69:41 4:35 8:17 10:31 13:32 16:44 24:28 27:58 31:28 44:11 47:39 57:16 62:12 63:54 66:43 68:20 69:41 Delta Finland 4:35 3:42 2:14 3:01 3:12 7:44 3:30 3:30 12:43 3:28 9:37 4:56 1:42 2:49 1:37 1:21 3 520 Starrs Nuala 128:38 5:45 10:46 33:03 45:20 52:27 62:59 67:35 72:21 95:40 99:40 107:50 113:13 119:40 126:04 127:47 128:38 122:37 FERMO N.I. 5:45 5:01 22:17 12:17 7:07 10:32 4:36 4:46 23:19 4:00 8:10 5:23 6:27 6:24 1:43 0:51 *172 359 Oxenham Jan (N/C) mp 8:33 13:58 22:25 27:54 32:13 W W W W W W W W 39:44 42:02 43:48 SARUM Wiltshire 8:33 5:25 8:27 5:29 4:19 7:31 2:18 1:46 481 Joyce Mairead mp W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 233:40 5:32 10:19 72:27 79:46 GEN Dublin 233:40 *123 *124 *126 *128 92:38 113:21 152:45 202:31 207:07 211:12 214:49 220:34 226:32 232:08 *129 *132 *133 *170 *168 *166 *165 *163 *162 *160 400 Kiernan Rosie mp W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W GEN Dublin 521 Campbell Mary mp 3:56 6:35 8:15 10:11 12:02 W W W W W W W W W W FERMO N.I. 3:56 2:39 1:40 1:56 1:51
W21S 3.660km 13C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 F 1 401 Simpson Julia 55:16 2:42 6:03 13:09 15:30 17:12 25:42 31:26 34:38 37:51 43:59 50:13 53:36 54:35 55:16 MDOC Manchester 2:42 3:21 7:06 2:21 1:42 8:30 5:44 3:12 3:13 6:08 6:14 3:23 0:59 0:41 2 414 Stansfield Josie 64:37 3:07 9:04 15:18 18:12 21:12 29:44 35:57 39:30 43:08 50:59 57:40 62:31 63:51 64:37 FVO Scotland 3:07 5:57 6:14 2:54 3:00 8:32 6:13 3:33 3:38 7:51 6:41 4:51 1:20 0:46 3 397 O'Rourke Marguerit 69:04 2:19 5:59 14:26 16:37 18:59 30:10 36:44 40:57 49:12 56:37 63:14 67:26 68:29 69:04 GEN Dublin 2:19 3:40 8:27 2:11 2:22 11:11 6:34 4:13 8:15 7:25 6:37 4:12 1:03 0:35 4 406 Ashley Rachael 72:29 3:13 8:59 17:52 21:09 22:58 33:09 40:21 44:13 48:58 59:11 66:01 70:24 71:36 72:29 CAOC Chicago 3:13 5:46 8:53 3:17 1:49 10:11 7:12 3:52 4:45 10:13 6:50 4:23 1:12 0:53 5 402 Ashley Greg (N/C) 76:34 10:06 13:40 22:22 24:57 27:23 35:51 42:32 46:11 51:25 62:17 69:39 74:58 75:50 76:34 CAOC Chicago 10:06 3:34 8:42 2:35 2:26 8:28 6:41 3:39 5:14 10:52 7:22 5:19 0:52 0:44 6 396 Smith Helen 76:58 4:30 8:33 16:37 19:43 22:13 33:20 42:44 46:28 51:30 62:03 70:46 75:17 76:18 76:58 SPLOT Cardiff 4:30 4:03 8:04 3:06 2:30 11:07 9:24 3:44 5:02 10:33 8:43 4:31 1:01 0:40 7 422 Kinnon Alison 78:27 2:36 6:09 13:21 16:14 17:50 26:14 32:47 36:36 57:51 65:05 71:45 76:40 77:44 78:27 MV UK 2:36 3:33 7:12 2:53 1:36 8:24 6:33 3:49 21:15 7:14 6:40 4:55 1:04 0:43 8 485 McDonnell Roisin 83:21 2:16 8:54 18:07 19:50 22:35 29:49 35:40 38:45 41:49 52:13 78:48 82:00 82:49 83:21 GEN Dublin 2:16 6:38 9:13 1:43 2:45 7:14 5:51 3:05 3:04 10:24 26:35 3:12 0:49 0:32 9 413 Healy Susan 84:01 3:21 7:16 16:33 19:15 21:28 31:19 40:26 44:05 53:27 62:31 76:43 82:02 83:07 84:01 GEN Dublin 3:21 3:55 9:17 2:42 2:13 9:51 9:07 3:39 9:22 9:04 14:12 5:19 1:05 0:54 10 411 O'Neill Deirdre 88:53 2:20 21:36 27:54 30:26 32:24 41:07 63:10 66:18 70:12 77:11 82:31 87:10 88:09 88:53 FIN Dublin 2:20 19:16 6:18 2:32 1:58 8:43 22:03 3:08 3:54 6:59 5:20 4:39 0:59 0:44 11 398 Reid Miriam 91:25 6:22 16:24 26:58 30:30 32:49 43:48 52:23 56:15 64:16 73:48 83:42 89:23 90:43 91:25 GEN Dublin 6:22 10:02 10:34 3:32 2:19 10:59 8:35 3:52 8:01 9:32 9:54 5:41 1:20 0:42 12 407 Lalor Nora 103:36 3:45 8:56 27:57 30:42 32:44 41:59 54:09 59:02 68:05 76:48 92:01 101:17 102:40 103:36 GEN Dublin 3:45 5:11 19:01 2:45 2:02 9:15 12:10 4:53 9:03 8:43 15:13 9:16 1:23 0:56 13 403 Joyce Aine 109:10 3:36 7:58 15:31 19:04 30:03 42:04 52:22 56:24 64:49 75:40 101:59 107:11 108:23 109:10 GEN Dublin 3:36 4:22 7:33 3:33 10:59 12:01 10:18 4:02 8:25 10:51 26:19 5:12 1:12 0:47 14 420 Frysjoenden Elin 120:16 4:55 9:22 20:04 23:13 25:34 35:37 43:55 47:55 56:44 66:34 111:32 118:21 119:24 120:16 OKM Norway 4:55 4:27 10:42 3:09 2:21 10:03 8:18 4:00 8:49 9:50 44:58 6:49 1:03 0:52 404 Creedon Deirdre mp 2:43 8:33 14:45 19:18 21:01 29:08 W W W W W 97:43 98:34 99:19 Cork O Cork 2:43 5:50 6:12 4:33 1:43 8:07 68:35 0:51 0:45 412 Deane Elizabeth mp W W W W W W W W W W W 87:06 88:57 90:04 44:48 49:07 55:41 59:21 62:20 66:20 Cork O Cork 87:06 1:51 1:07 *181 *180 *178 *177 *176 *175 69:21 72:42 78:35 82:16 *174 *173 *171 *185 405 McDermot Teresa mp 3:22 11:04 20:31 22:03 23:18 31:08 36:35 39:41 43:12 W 59:35 64:38 65:41 66:24 17:54 45:19 FERMO N.I. 3:22 7:42 9:27 1:32 1:15 7:50 5:27 3:06 3:31 16:23 5:03 1:03 0:43 *203 *190
W35 5.220km 16C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 F 1 263 Pelly Dorothy 66:26 3:14 8:06 12:35 19:46 22:55 27:38 29:39 35:52 42:21 45:16 48:01 53:34 58:19 60:50 64:57 65:48 66:26 SYO Yorkshire 3:14 4:52 4:29 7:11 3:09 4:43 2:01 6:13 6:29 2:55 2:45 5:33 4:45 2:31 4:07 0:51 0:38 2 268 Ervine Heather 69:40 3:25 8:48 14:37 22:27 25:26 31:21 32:32 38:29 45:09 47:38 51:01 56:38 61:46 64:09 68:13 69:04 69:40 LVO N.I. 3:25 5:23 5:49 7:50 2:59 5:55 1:11 5:57 6:40 2:29 3:23 5:37 5:08 2:23 4:04 0:51 0:36 3 259 Gard Sue 81:33 4:12 9:38 16:34 25:22 28:32 32:38 34:13 40:33 48:18 51:29 56:08 62:54 70:52 74:49 79:54 80:51 81:33 QO UK 4:12 5:26 6:56 8:48 3:10 4:06 1:35 6:20 7:45 3:11 4:39 6:46 7:58 3:57 5:05 0:57 0:42 4 255 Walton Heather 82:12 4:28 10:22 17:27 25:33 28:34 32:10 33:45 40:22 47:46 50:35 54:56 65:43 72:19 75:19 80:35 81:25 82:12 JOK London 4:28 5:54 7:05 8:06 3:01 3:36 1:35 6:37 7:24 2:49 4:21 10:47 6:36 3:00 5:16 0:50 0:47 5 256 Williams Ceri 87:32 4:43 12:07 19:03 29:22 34:25 38:38 40:06 47:15 57:14 61:09 65:04 71:30 77:12 80:16 85:41 86:44 87:32 PFO Pendle 4:43 7:24 6:56 10:19 5:03 4:13 1:28 7:09 9:59 3:55 3:55 6:26 5:42 3:04 5:25 1:03 0:48 6 266 Blair Ruth 88:31 4:06 10:01 17:24 25:35 28:28 31:54 33:18 41:28 55:56 61:05 64:29 70:05 78:05 80:54 86:54 87:53 88:31 NWOC N.I. 4:06 5:55 7:23 8:11 2:53 3:26 1:24 8:10 14:28 5:09 3:24 5:36 8:00 2:49 6:00 0:59 0:38 7 258 Murray Helen 111:43 3:54 24:10 28:48 36:32 39:29 42:54 45:28 52:12 59:03 77:17 81:15 94:48 101:12 104:43 110:18 111:06 111:43 INT Edinburgh 3:54 20:16 4:38 7:44 2:57 3:25 2:34 6:44 6:51 18:14 3:58 13:33 6:24 3:31 5:35 0:48 0:37
W40 5.020km 15C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F 1 273 Spalinger Lotti 65:18 2:07 10:26 13:44 20:17 26:49 29:47 36:21 42:56 45:40 51:21 57:45 60:16 62:18 63:58 64:46 65:18 OLG Switzerland 2:07 8:19 3:18 6:33 6:32 2:58 6:34 6:35 2:44 5:41 6:24 2:31 2:02 1:40 0:48 0:32 2 278 Bowen-Davies Jenny 77:57 6:48 16:50 20:54 28:07 37:07 40:25 47:47 49:40 52:45 58:10 63:42 72:43 75:08 76:33 77:23 77:57 BOK Bristol 6:48 10:02 4:04 7:13 9:00 3:18 7:22 1:53 3:05 5:25 5:32 9:01 2:25 1:25 0:50 0:34 3 279 Feehan Ellen 88:48 3:39 16:40 21:24 30:44 38:55 43:51 54:02 57:03 61:12 68:32 76:49 80:48 84:15 86:43 87:57 88:48 BVOC Cork 3:39 13:01 4:44 9:20 8:11 4:56 10:11 3:01 4:09 7:20 8:17 3:59 3:27 2:28 1:14 0:51 4 275 Speak Kath 92:58 6:02 16:18 20:29 28:10 41:16 49:45 57:31 60:30 64:59 73:29 81:27 85:43 88:48 91:17 92:16 92:58 MDOC Manchester 6:02 10:16 4:11 7:41 13:06 8:29 7:46 2:59 4:29 8:30 7:58 4:16 3:05 2:29 0:59 0:42 5 271 Fyffe Marella 110:29 2:53 13:35 17:45 25:09 48:26 52:00 61:28 70:36 75:01 89:31 97:38 102:41 106:50 108:50 109:46 110:29 FERMO N.I. 2:53 10:42 4:10 7:24 23:17 3:34 9:28 9:08 4:25 14:30 8:07 5:03 4:09 2:00 0:56 0:43 6 276 Johnson Judy 112:00 2:42 13:14 25:23 37:36 52:04 55:43 70:59 74:05 78:40 87:32 98:02 102:55 107:36 110:21 111:16 112:00 BOK Bristol 2:42 10:32 12:09 12:13 14:28 3:39 15:16 3:06 4:35 8:52 10:30 4:53 4:41 2:45 0:55 0:44 274 Warner Judy mp 2:11 11:46 14:48 W W W W W W W W W W W W 45:41 LOC Lakelands 2:11 9:35 3:02 30:53 280 Nelson Jenny mp 7:53 16:38 21:01 28:22 43:24 W W W W W W W W W W 80:20 BOK Bristol 7:53 8:45 4:23 7:21 15:02 36:56
W45 4.450km 215m 11C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 F 1 296 Peter Malfa 51:54 2:25 8:21 12:33 19:43 22:51 27:51 34:37 37:56 45:17 50:24 51:14 51:54 UTOE Switzerland 2:25 5:56 4:12 7:10 3:08 5:00 6:46 3:19 7:21 5:07 0:50 0:40 2 289 Austin Mary 62:00 2:57 9:29 14:48 22:12 24:47 32:53 41:59 45:49 54:17 60:40 61:28 62:00 Cork O Cork 2:57 6:32 5:19 7:24 2:35 8:06 9:06 3:50 8:28 6:23 0:48 0:32 3 512 Freeman Lindsey 84:23 2:45 10:19 16:39 26:01 29:02 39:47 49:14 53:17 71:36 82:42 83:39 84:23 WAOC Cambs. 2:45 7:34 6:20 9:22 3:01 10:45 9:27 4:03 18:19 11:06 0:57 0:44 4 287 Foley-Fisher Barba 86:47 2:48 10:39 16:30 24:12 27:12 35:30 44:01 50:33 74:34 85:17 86:08 86:47 MNAV Galway 2:48 7:51 5:51 7:42 3:00 8:18 8:31 6:32 24:01 10:43 0:51 0:39 5 285 Power Ger 92:05 2:37 17:37 23:14 30:55 36:31 44:36 53:46 57:43 81:18 90:11 91:27 92:05 3ROC Dublin 2:37 15:00 5:37 7:41 5:36 8:05 9:10 3:57 23:35 8:53 1:16 0:38 6 294 Majury Heather 95:02 2:56 10:14 20:18 28:58 31:56 41:01 49:35 53:23 77:23 93:08 94:17 95:02 LVO N.I. 2:56 7:18 10:04 8:40 2:58 9:05 8:34 3:48 24:00 15:45 1:09 0:45 7 292 Spence Mary 99:48 3:18 11:13 18:23 27:06 30:12 41:44 66:32 71:43 86:31 97:55 98:58 99:48 TVOC UK 3:18 7:55 7:10 8:43 3:06 11:32 24:48 5:11 14:48 11:24 1:03 0:50 8 290 Boyt Sue 103:47 3:51 13:24 22:37 36:53 40:31 52:39 66:00 72:39 90:35 101:17 102:38 103:47 Devon Devon 3:51 9:33 9:13 14:16 3:38 12:08 13:21 6:39 17:56 10:42 1:21 1:09 9 511 Ives Noreen 109:03 2:45 34:41 42:12 51:05 59:31 67:54 80:40 85:16 99:04 107:20 108:21 109:03 WAOC Cambs. 2:45 31:56 7:31 8:53 8:26 8:23 12:46 4:36 13:48 8:16 1:01 0:42 10 297 Seaman Beryl 114:11 7:27 15:49 25:16 34:07 42:22 50:58 65:12 69:50 102:35 111:56 113:14 114:11 SYO Yorkshire 7:27 8:22 9:27 8:51 8:15 8:36 14:14 4:38 32:45 9:21 1:18 0:57 11 295 Coon Suse 116:01 4:09 13:35 36:57 47:43 54:13 64:03 76:18 83:30 101:28 113:01 114:45 116:01 ESOC Edinburgh 4:09 9:26 23:22 10:46 6:30 9:50 12:15 7:12 17:58 11:33 1:44 1:16 293 Mason Rosemary mp W W W W W W W W W W W 266:15 163:18 167:54 174:42 180:57 194:34 204:59 212:11 223:21 AIRE Leeds 266:15 *158 *156 *229 *149 *147 *144 *136 *145 248:16 251:55 255:42 258:25 265:04 *152 *170 *164 *163 *161 300 Ui Shuilleabhain A mp W W W W W W W W W W W 302:16 223:18 228:30 233:11 237:53 247:04 254:37 260:41 269:00 3ROC Dublin 302:16 *158 *156 *229 *149 *147 *144 *136 *145 283:17 285:25 288:15 297:08 301:19 *152 *170 *164 *163 *161 284 Finlay Teresa mp 3:29 18:08 24:27 34:57 W W W W 44:55 56:31 58:15 59:49 FERMO N.I. 3:29 14:39 6:19 10:30 9:58 11:36 1:44 1:34
W50 3.930km 190m 14C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 F 1 365 Gorvett Jill 62:04 4:20 10:04 12:48 17:16 26:10 32:00 35:59 41:28 45:01 49:55 53:40 58:15 60:12 61:21 62:04 SYO Derbyshire 4:20 5:44 2:44 4:28 8:54 5:50 3:59 5:29 3:33 4:54 3:45 4:35 1:57 1:09 0:43 2 369 O'Neill Jean 69:05 3:53 10:51 14:06 17:29 28:30 35:13 38:59 44:23 47:33 53:44 58:09 65:39 67:38 68:31 69:05 FIN Dublin 3:53 6:58 3:15 3:23 11:01 6:43 3:46 5:24 3:10 6:11 4:25 7:30 1:59 0:53 0:34 3 362 Nowlan Monica 69:31 4:26 11:04 17:16 20:52 29:23 34:13 38:21 43:25 50:18 56:28 60:12 66:23 67:59 68:50 69:31 3ROC Dublin 4:26 6:38 6:12 3:36 8:31 4:50 4:08 5:04 6:53 6:10 3:44 6:11 1:36 0:51 0:41 4 361 Brook Julie 75:11 4:20 10:55 13:15 16:09 25:58 37:58 41:55 46:28 50:27 59:43 64:37 70:24 73:11 74:25 75:11 MDOC Manchester 4:20 6:35 2:20 2:54 9:49 12:00 3:57 4:33 3:59 9:16 4:54 5:47 2:47 1:14 0:46 5 367 Hands Sue 86:39 4:00 19:01 21:46 25:10 32:15 45:39 53:53 58:17 62:01 69:16 74:40 81:06 84:56 85:56 86:39 WIM Wimborne 4:00 15:01 2:45 3:24 7:05 13:24 8:14 4:24 3:44 7:15 5:24 6:26 3:50 1:00 0:43 6 364 O'Keeffe Josephine 91:47 5:46 12:55 21:05 25:23 35:55 45:09 50:06 57:04 62:38 74:40 80:12 86:28 89:34 90:57 91:47 BVOC Cork 5:46 7:09 8:10 4:18 10:32 9:14 4:57 6:58 5:34 12:02 5:32 6:16 3:06 1:23 0:50 7 363 O'Neill Frances 103:27 5:33 13:02 19:10 25:21 37:11 45:56 51:47 59:27 66:22 82:18 89:34 97:30 100:49 102:30 103:27 Set Dublin 5:33 7:29 6:08 6:11 11:50 8:45 5:51 7:40 6:55 15:56 7:16 7:56 3:19 1:41 0:57 8 514 Roberts Karen 103:35 5:23 14:40 26:07 34:28 44:56 53:14 57:58 65:11 77:07 85:47 91:53 98:21 101:13 102:34 103:35 Cork O Cork 5:23 9:17 11:27 8:21 10:28 8:18 4:44 7:13 11:56 8:40 6:06 6:28 2:52 1:21 1:01 9 370 O'Neill Billy (N/C 149:26 8:25 21:17 26:19 36:53 50:12 64:39 86:28 95:35 112:16 125:45 133:12 143:06 146:09 147:49 149:26 Set Dublin 8:25 12:52 5:02 10:34 13:19 14:27 21:49 9:07 16:41 13:29 7:27 9:54 3:03 1:40 1:37 366 Fuller Jean mp 7:24 17:55 24:18 32:54 46:48 W W W W W W W W 92:00 93:40 Vacant 7:24 10:31 6:23 8:36 13:54 45:12 1:40
W55 3.930km 190m 14C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 F 1 373 Hughes Ann 71:50 4:38 10:58 20:25 24:02 32:11 37:18 41:17 50:52 53:57 59:28 63:18 67:51 70:16 71:16 71:50 Devon Devon 4:38 6:20 9:27 3:37 8:09 5:07 3:59 9:35 3:05 5:31 3:50 4:33 2:25 1:00 0:34 2 379 Nuttall Clare 73:57 4:16 10:47 13:33 19:28 29:11 36:53 41:30 46:17 52:44 59:09 63:50 69:22 72:09 73:16 73:57 169:20 171:35 177:31 189:06 215:36 Lee O Cork 4:16 6:31 2:46 5:55 9:43 7:42 4:37 4:47 6:27 6:25 4:41 5:32 2:47 1:07 0:41 *159 *157 *151 *149 *147 227:51 248:25 250:42 254:50 *145 *164 *163 *161 3 382 Crawford Vicky 75:49 4:40 10:30 13:59 18:02 27:42 35:15 43:37 48:55 53:45 61:06 65:18 70:28 73:36 75:03 75:49 WIM Wimborne 4:40 5:50 3:29 4:03 9:40 7:33 8:22 5:18 4:50 7:21 4:12 5:10 3:08 1:27 0:46 4 374 Vine Sue 101:08 5:56 15:09 20:06 25:44 38:47 48:08 54:02 61:44 70:10 80:27 87:01 93:21 98:25 100:02 101:08 NOR Norwich 5:56 9:13 4:57 5:38 13:03 9:21 5:54 7:42 8:26 10:17 6:34 6:20 5:04 1:37 1:06 381 Marsden Susan mp 5:17 12:57 23:25 27:56 41:05 W W W W 56:12 61:34 68:11 72:26 73:53 75:02 HH Hertfordshire 5:17 7:40 10:28 4:31 13:09 15:07 5:22 6:37 4:15 1:27 1:09 376 Doherty Noreen mp W W W W W W W W W W W W 138:16 140:31 142:31 66:46 80:07 87:53 94:57 100:03 GEN Dublin 138:16 2:15 2:00 *180 *178 *220 *176 *175 117:01 129:49 133:19 *195 *171 *185 377 Odell Catherine mp 4:30 13:16 15:40 30:40 39:38 79:40 83:45 91:39 W 107:40 113:02 W 122:50 124:17 125:06 EBOR York 4:30 8:46 2:24 15:00 8:58 40:02 4:05 7:54 16:01 5:22 9:48 1:27 0:49 375 Benson Judy mp 10:46 21:59 28:27 35:29 51:08 83:46 94:52 102:46 110:03 124:37 132:55 142:51 W W 150:56 PLC Australia 10:46 11:13 6:28 7:02 15:39 32:38 11:06 7:54 7:17 14:34 8:18 9:56 8:05
W60 3.660km 13C
    Pos Name and Club Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 F 1 385 Jacobsen Rita 55:28 3:20 7:03 12:54 15:09 17:20 25:59 31:56 34:50 38:10 44:12 50:26 53:59 54:53 55:28 OO Odense 3:20 3:43 5:51 2:15 2:11 8:39 5:57 2:54 3:20 6:02 6:14 3:33 0:54 0:35 2 383 Bolland Margo 72:43 2:40 6:54 13:36 16:07 17:43 27:54 35:48 49:09 52:42 60:34 67:12 70:58 72:02 72:43 MAROC Aberdeenshir 2:40 4:14 6:42 2:31 1:36 10:11 7:54 13:21 3:33 7:52 6:38 3:46 1:04 0:41 3 386 White Faith 81:59 3:54 8:24 16:00 19:08 21:16 33:08 48:30 53:02 58:34 69:00 75:03 79:36 81:06 81:59 Set Dublin 3:54 4:30 7:36 3:08 2:08 11:52 15:22 4:32 5:32 10:26 6:03 4:33 1:30 0:53 4 392 Large Diana 85:09 3:12 7:50 17:30 20:38 23:22 33:45 41:36 45:19 54:23 63:54 77:16 82:52 84:16 85:09 GEN Dublin 3:12 4:38 9:40 3:08 2:44 10:23 7:51 3:43 9:04 9:31 13:22 5:36 1:24 0:53 5 388 Hardy Gill 95:06 2:40 6:22 14:47 17:01 18:47 27:56 40:18 53:45 58:01 66:59 88:58 93:17 94:20 95:06 CLOK Cleveland 2:40 3:42 8:25 2:14 1:46 9:09 12:22 13:27 4:16 8:58 21:59 4:19 1:03 0:46 6 393 Pay Beryl 144:23 5:17 11:40 22:46 27:32 31:24 43:53 52:56 58:56 80:41 101:09 127:18 141:11 142:51 144:23 WRE Wrekin 5:17 6:23 11:06 4:46 3:52 12:29 9:03 6:00 21:45 20:28 26:09 13:53 1:40 1:32 394 Keller Esther mp W W W W W W W W W W W W W 256:29 175:13 180:46 184:49 197:24 212:13 217:12 BERN Switzerland 256:29 *124 *159 *156 *150 *130 *132 222:47 240:24 243:44 247:07 250:16 255:33 *148 *152 *170 *164 *163 *161 391 Murtagh Vera mp W W W W W W W W W W W 132:38 135:25 137:25 67:45 82:25 87:39 95:23 101:44 111:48 3ROC Dublin 132:38 2:47 2:00 *101 *108 *102 *103 *104 *105 119:19 122:14 129:40 134:54 65:06 70:03 76:03 81:03 85:37 102:53 105:39 115:17 122:43 126:05 *106 *107 *109 *110 *181 *180 *178 *177 *176 *175 *174 *173 *171 *185 387 Mullen Jean mp 8:19 18:47 63:37 W W W W W W W W W 101:41 104:43 3ROC Dublin 8:19 10:28 44:50 38:04 3:02


These pages were last modified Jul '99 by Conor Creedon.
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