Nothing the Son of God believes can be destroyed. But what is truth to him must be brought to the last comparison that he will ever make; the last evaluation that will be possible, the final judgment on this world. It is the judgment of Truth upon illusion, of Knowledge on perception: "It has no meaning, and does not exist". This is the "Last Judgment". The branch that bears no fruit will be cut off and will wither away. Be glad! The Light will shine from the true Foundation of Life, and your own thought system will stand corrected. It cannot stand otherwise. Your Kingdom is not of this world because it was given you from beyond this world.
Merely by being what it is does Truth release you from everything that it is not. The Knowledge that Illuminates not only sets you free, but also shows you clearly that you are free. The first step toward this freedom involves a sorting out of the True from the false, or the wheat from the weeds, and reflects the true meaning of the Apocalypse. Everyone will ultimately look upon his own creations and choose to preserve only what is Good, just as God Himself looked upon what He had created and knew that it was Good. At the same time, he will disown his miscreations which, without belief, will no longer exist.
There is a hush in Heaven, a happy expectancy, a little pause of gladness in acknowledgment of the journey's end. For Heaven knows you well, as you know Heaven. In the Kingdom, where you are and what you are is perfectly Certain. There is no doubt, because the first question ("What am I?") was never asked. Having finally been wholly answered, it has never been. The Son whom God created is as free as God created him. He was reborn the instant that he chose to die instead of live.
to God in the highest and to you because He has so willed it. To
your most Holy self all praise is due for what you are, and what He is
who created you as you are. Ask and it shall be given you because
it has already been given. You have the right to all the universe;
to perfect Peace, complete deliverance from all effects of sin and to the
Life Eternal, joyous and complete in every way, as God appointed for His
Holy Son.