current affairs programme from RTE's Studio 2 featuring two interviewers
(Máire Geoghan Quinn & Alan Dukes) and one Guest.
The configuration of two interviewers either side of a single interviewee
presents a particular problem of eyelines, given that the interviewers
are forced to look upstage and into the set during the interview.
The solution was to create a set which provided cover for a shooting pattern
of 240 degs with enough floor space around the participants to allow cameras
to cross shoot from positions upstage of the interviewers left and right.
By "crossing the line" during an on-air tracking shot after the program
introduction the geography of the studio is preserved and reverse angles
The set itself consists of a circular table on a circular rostrum surrounded
by a series of individual units set around a common centre. A curved polished
stainless steel rail further defines the interview area.
The finish on the backings is a subtle painted texture alternated
with a plain paint finish in neutral colours to allow coloured lighting
of the set. The program logo features on either side and three triangular
light boxes are inset behind each of the participants to feature in the
main close up shots.